More Clinton lunacy


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Hillary's Energy Plan: Burn Old Tires

New York Sen. Hillary Clinton is backing a plan to burn old tires to supply energy to an upstate New York paper mill that will produce clouds of acrid black smoke - a proposal that has nearby residents in a panic over potential health risks.
In an April 13 letter to the New York Department of Environmental Conservation, Clinton urged that the agency approve a two-week test burn at International Paper's Ticonderoga, N.Y., mill – adjacent to environmentally pristine Lake Champlain.

"I know that some are concerned about the potential air quality impact of burning tires at the mill," she wrote, before explaining that she agreed with IP's claims that pollution from the tire smoke won't be too harmful.

The top Democrat said the health risks were worth taking for the good of the local economy.

"I am strongly committed to working to ensure that IP's Ticonderoga mill continues to thrive and provide hundreds of good-paying jobs in Ticonderoga and the surrounding communities for generations," she explained.

Clinton's support for the tire burn has prompted heated protest from Vermont Gov. James Douglas, whose constituents live downwind of the Ticonderoga plant.

"Governor Douglas believes we need people in the United States Senate who understand how important it is to protect and improve our environment," his press secretary blasted, in quotes picked up by the Barre Montpelier Times Argus.

Ironically, Sen. Clinton made air quality a cause celebre two years ago when she accused the Bush adminsitration of covering up dangerous levels of toxic air at Ground Zero in the days after the 9/11 attack.

"[The EPA] knew and they didn't tell us the truth and the White House told them not to tell us the truth," the top Democrat fumed at the time.

"This is a very big issue," she continued. "It not only has to do with the health and safety of the people I represent, it has to do with the credibility and trust of this entire government."

Like her fellow Democrats, the tire-burn-backing Clinton opposes drilling in ANWR.

Health risks worth taking for corporate interests? Hardly sounds like a Democrat!

The woman is also responsible for this : which was marketed as though it is a public health benefit, but is harshly protested by the majority of the affected area's locals. Go figure ----> $$$