More global warming


I'm Rick James #####!
I just finished a Michael Crichton book called "State of Fear" last night.

The plot revolves around an eco terrorist organization. I was surprised to find that all of the enviromental data, info, graphs, etc. in the book came from actual studies. In fact the hard science was an integral part of the plot!

Crichton was kind enough to not only footnote the book but he also provides some 50 odd PAGES of references for data/studies from US and international scientists and organizations.

I just googled the first couple references. All I can say is...

WOW! :faint:


Super Genius
My friend has two original and a newer copy. After the original was published, some of the data in the links were modified. The newer copy points this out.


I'm Rick James #####!
vraiblonde said:
It was an excellent book :yay: The granola reviewers on Amazon didn't think so, though.

The raw data is interesting stuff, not to mention the ACTUAL comments and analysis made by the researchers.

I'm hooked. Definitely following up some of the leads in the books bibliography.


Lovin' being Texican
truby20 said:
Don't put words in my mouth. I already gave my opinion on this back in 2004.

kinda frighting that I remember that thread :loser:

In that post you said
Truby said:
But it concerns me that we are using a piece of work from a person who doesn't even have basic degree in any environmental science to say that global warming is a dead issue.
yet you get wet when a failed politician from Tennessee with no credentials makes a movie that supports your hystrionics. Hmmmmmm.


I'm Rick James #####!
truby20 said:
But it concerns me that we are using a piece of work from a person who doesn't even have basic degree in any environmental science to say that global warming is a dead issue.

You haven't read the book have you!? That's hilarious! :lmao:


Lovin' being Texican
Nucklesack said:
Even better is the fact that Crichton (unlike Gore) has the actual data he used, included in footnotes.

If you were concerned enough, you can easily look up his data and find that the premise of the FICTIONAL Story is all supported by scientific data.

He produced ER (Clooney TV show) also, which is a FICTIONAL story about a hospital, but it doesnt mean the crash carts and defibrilators used in the show arent real items.

The reason Crichton is a better credentialed reviewer of the literature is that he's a physician trained in critical review of scientific (as opposed to histrionic) literature. We can determine that standard deviation and margins of error prove or disprove a theory. We review the cited literature to determine that some "scientists" overcite discredited literature to support their flimsy theses, etc.

Gore, on the other hand, determines what the opinion polls say and sides with the side with the most fans. Not critical fans, emotional fans.

Larry Gude

Strung Out

Lenny said:
In that post you said yet you get wet when a failed politician from Tennessee with no credentials makes a movie that supports your hystrionics. Hmmmmmm.

...that's just priceless!

:lmao: :killingme


I know nothing
Channel 4 weather news just said the average temperature for today and this time of year is usually 68 degrees...... But its only 55 right now

Hear comes the ice age :jameo: :jameo:


Lovin' being Texican
LordStanley said:
Channel 4 weather news just said the average temperature for today and this time of year is usually 68 degrees...... But its only 55 right now

Hear comes the ice age :jameo: :jameo:

Truby has been conspicuously absent since we started mentioning the scientific literature in this thread. Hmmmmmmmm. Maybe she's upset I dissed the failed Democrat Carbon-consumer from Tennessee.

Larry Gude

Strung Out

Lenny said:
Truby has been conspicuously absent since we started mentioning the scientific literature in this thread. Hmmmmmmmm. Maybe she's upset I dissed the failed Democrat Carbon-consumer from Tennessee.

...damn, I mean, when we look at the problem, CO2, vs. the science it paints an interesting but nowhere near definitive picture.

Problem: Elevated CO2 in the atmosphere is causing global warming by trapping heat.

Science; Water vapor makes up some 90-95% of what traps heat. CO2 is a fraction.

Science; The vast majority of CO2 emissions are natural.

Science; CO2 is HEAVIER THAN AIR. It comes back to earth.

Science; CO2 seems to trap infrared light.

Questions; Is this all bad and why? Is 350 ppm a big deal compared to the supposed 275 ppm historically?

Does CO2 lead or lag warming?

'Excess' CO2 means more plant growth, including the rain forests. Does that mean a more or less temperate planet?

Does that mean further cloud cover? Does that mean COOLER temperatures? Not every cloudy day is a hurricane.

CO2 dissipates evenly, we're told. If so, that would suggest evening of global temperatures. How to explain our regional cold period? That simply is further evidence that CO2, whatever it is or is not actually doing, is not some linear problem or question.

I mean, take any of these questions and add your own and just spend some time surfing them.

The only unassailable fact you will find is that CO2 is not this cut and dried planet killer that some want you to believe. You'll also find that the 'scientific' community is no where near as aligned as we're told.


Lovin' being Texican
Larry Gude said:
...damn, I mean, when we look at the problem, CO2, vs. the science it paints an interesting but nowhere near definitive picture.

Science; Water vapor makes up some 90-95% of what traps heat. CO2 is a fraction.


Hydroelectric powerplants are blamed for putting more greenhouse gases in the atmosphere than automobiles. If we were go to nuclear (nucular) we could turn this around.

Larry Gude

Strung Out

Lenny said:
Hydroelectric powerplants are blamed for putting more greenhouse gases in the atmosphere than automobiles. If we were go to nuclear (nucular) we could turn this around.

...we CAN'T use nuclear. It's...ikky. Anything BUT THAT!

We MUST, obviously, stop using ALL fossil fuels, right now, unless there is a cleaner, safer, better soultion.

That's not nuclear.


I'm the Boss of Me
Crichton writes good FICTION.

As for myself, I'll listen to the vast majority of scientists when they way man is responsible for warming the earth faster than it's ever been warmed before.

If you want to pick your scientists to suit your views, well, that say much for your thought process.


Well-Known Member
Yeah Forest,

"that say much for your thought process."

You really know how to say it.... :lmao:
Would you like a box of chocolates?


Well-Known Member
News flash Al Gore invented the MiaTi and will be at the Tiki Bar tonight to unvail his new drink.