More Gun Control ... please!

The Eggman

New Member
An open letter to DC, Maryland, Chicago & New York City

Dear D.C., Maryland, Chicago and New York City:

Thank you for your tough gun control laws, keep up the good work!

I recently returned from a business trip to New York from my home in Northern Virginia. A short trip to the Big Apple has always been enjoyable and helps me get back some perspective on life. I'm comfortable in the subways and know where not to go and when not to go there.

One thing different this trip, however, was my sense of situational awareness. Maybe it was the permanent State Police presence at a government office near mine, or perhaps huddles of 'barely old enough to shave' kids at Grand Central wearing fatigues and carrying what everybody knew to be unloaded guns. (This seems somewhat like Barney Fife asking permission to put his bullet in his gun. Then again, maybe Kent State did teach a few lessons.)

Some of the small, dark neighborhood streets I normally enjoy visiting for great ethnic foods felt ominous and uncomfortable. I couldn't put my finger on the feeling until I analyzed it.

I was dressed for business and appeared to be a typical, law-abiding person, going about their affairs. Looking like a law-abiding citizen may be great for meetings or sales calls, but on the streets of New York it's like wearing a big "ROB ME - I'M HELPLESS" sign across your back.

This trip, I was a lot more grateful to get back to Virginia than I remember being for a long time.

I now have an idea how a criminal must feel when looking for prey on my Virginia streets. While in New York, I was constanly looking over my shoulder, not knowing whether the next bunch of rowdy kids were tourists from Des Moines or armed thugs, ready to attack.

The criminals here in Virginia are never quite sure if the next passerby will be a potential victim, or ready to present a swift and effective defense.

So, thank you Chicago, New York, D.C. and Maryland.

By continuing to keep your honest subjects disarmed and helpless you are empowering armed criminals, making them feel safe and welcome. You give them power to fearlessly and arrogantly wander among the sheep, culling out prey with disdain for both law and authority. I imagine this may be one reason why our violent crime rates are so much lower than yours.

With such anti-rights localities for neighbors Virginia becomes a LOT less attractive to the bad guys and a lot safer place to live. After all, who is the rapist more likely to hit -- a known defenseless woman, or a woman who may be armed and prepared to resist with deadly force if necessary?

I have great empathy for your situation and hope that some day all of our rights will be fully restored.

In the interim, however, better you than me!

Thanks for the Forum!

More Diatribes and Rants At The Jumpgate


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Koo koo ka joob! Good post! :clap:

But if it's all the same to you, Eggman, I'd prefer that VA and all the other sensible states be taken over by a fascist liberal Governor like ours so you can have your criminals back. We're busting at the seams with them in MD.

Didn't you realize that DC has no gun crime? It must be true because guns are illegal there, so that means no gun crime, right?
After all, who is the rapist more likely to hit -- a known defenseless woman, or a woman who may be armed and prepared to resist with deadly force if necessary?
Well, Demsformd says that "when it's your time to go, you're gonna go" and you shouldn't try to protect yourself or prevent it. I admire her serenity. :duh:


Just a forgiven sinner
PREMO Member
Originally posted by vraiblonde

Well, Demsformd says that "when it's your time to go, you're gonna go" and you shouldn't try to protect yourself or prevent it.
When it's her time to go, she may not defend herself..:biggrin: One less liberal.

I figure the other guy is really going to have to convince me it is my time to go, because, if he/she is attacking me, it just may be their time to go (Doc comes to mind :burning: )


Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member
Originally posted by vraiblonde
... Well, Demsformd says that "when it's your time to go, you're gonna go" and you shouldn't try to protect yourself or prevent it. I admire her serenity. :duh:
Darwinsim at work? :biggrin:


Just a forgiven sinner
PREMO Member
Originally posted by Kyle
Darwinsim at work? :biggrin:

I take comfort in the fact that all the liberals that are for taking guns away don't have any themselves and, for the most part, live in the cities. If the stuff every really hits the fan, they can bring their pens and pencils to the gun fight.:bonk: :roflmao:



Gun control has its disadvantages and flaws. And I have begun to see SOME of the other side to this issue in terms of allowing people to own and/or carry guns. Yay.

But what is the deal with people like 2nd who have such a boner for guns? I mean, it's one thing to be pro-second ammendment (whatever the hell that means) but to have a little picture of yourself holding an assault rifle and joking about gunning down liberals or waiting for them to be attacked and killed w/o guns to defend themselves...that's just ridiculous.

It's people like you that the gun-control people point to and say "look at these lunatics that are pro-gun". I don't understand why one singular issue would domintate someone's life to the extent that it seems to have in 2nd's case.

If you've made any good points, their validity is constantly called into question by your harsh, agressive, and often ignorant statements.


* * * * * * * * *
Staff member
PREMO Member
Originally posted by jimmy
but to have a little picture of yourself holding an assault rifle and joking about gunning down liberals or waiting for them to be attacked and killed w/o guns to defend themselves...that's just ridiculous.

Humor. :rolleyes: Kind of like you calling yourself a Drunkard :wink:


Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member
Originally posted by jimmy
... I don't understand why one singular issue would domintate someone's life to the extent that it seems to have in 2nd's case.
Jimmy, there are many, on these boards included, that the first amendment is the singular issue that dominates their debates and conscience.

I happen to feel if the second were to fall the first, fourth, fifth, ninth and tenth would follow. The ranges of things in this country we regard as free speech aren't shared to the same degree in other nations. Even the supposed "civilized" western cultures.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
At the risk of being flamed by my own, I have to say good post, Jimmy! :clap: If the goal is to bring people to your way of thinking, extreme statements aren't going to do it - just makes them go, "See? Nutcases!"

But indefense of 2A, I must also say that big run-on sentence coming up, stay alert we can scoff at the idea of needing to defend ourselves against our government - supposedly we have a Constitution that will protect us from that sort of thing - but the fact remains that we have no idea WHAT will happen if the citizenry is disarmed.

Saddam Hussein just won 100% of the votes in Iraq, with 100% voter turnout. That's one popular guy right there, huh? Could that happen in America? I never used to think so but after some of the election antics of the Democratic party, I now have to wonder.

It seems that every year we have a ballot question regarding eminent domain - land grabs, for those of you who aren't familiar. The state of MD really, really wants to be able to take your land whenever they think they need it more than you do. They'll pay you for it, but they want to be able to control the price. When I see stuff like that on a ballot, I wonder what would happen if they didn't even have to ask or put it to a vote.


Just a forgiven sinner
PREMO Member
Originally posted by jimmy

But what is the deal with people like 2nd who have such a boner for guns? I mean, it's one thing to be pro-second ammendment (whatever the hell that means) but to have a little picture of yourself holding an assault rifle and joking about gunning down liberals or waiting for them to be attacked and killed w/o guns to defend themselves...that's just ridiculous.
Like these better?


"Fill your hands you SOB!
Gee...why is it that when gun control freaks jump up and down crying for more gun control laws that they don't point to DC (where handguns are illegal) as a model city for gun control??? It's because they have blinders on when it comes to seeing how current gun laws actually work. All they want is more & more laws.

The answer is not more laws restricting the use and sale of guns. There are already TONS of laws out there for that. I wish gun control freaks would FOCUS their energy on having the courts punish offenders instead of sending them out of the system with a slap on the wrist.

All new laws do is keep law-abiding citizens from having full access to the guns they want to use for protection of themselves & their family. If a criminal is going to break the law by murdering someone, do you really think he will OBEY the gun control laws??? Again - just tale a look at DC where handguns are already banned. Gee...I really feel safe walking through SouthEast at night knowing handguns are banned.....:burning:


Well like I said. I AM starting to see the 'pro-gun' side...actually that's a stupid phrase. That's like calling a pro-choice person pro abortion.

But I can see where allowing someone to own a gun may have advantages and, moreover, I can see where making them illegal won't really accomplish anything.

My point in my post, as picked up upon by Vrai, was that extremism on an issue is NEVER gonna sway people on the other side. Just making it seem like an issue dominates your life makes you look like an extreemist and, therefore, people dont' take you seriously.

When you couple that with statements about liberal hunting season and other such inflamatory remarks, you are just pushing yourself further and further from the realm of credibility.

And no, 2nd, I don't have a sister named Patty. Whatever that means. And, yeah I like the sunshine and group hug thing. Warms my hippie ultra-liberal, left-wing heart.


Just a forgiven sinner
PREMO Member
As for having a boner for guns, how would you know what my crotch looks like? You like beer :confused: . I like shooting. It is fun. If you had lived during prohibition and the period leading up to it, I would dare say you would have protested loudly against those that were trying to prohibit you from being able to get alcoholic beverages.

The drive to prohibit alcohol started in the late 1800s and continued until the 18th Amendment was passed in 1919. It took a while, but they made alcoholic beverages illegal. They had good intentions too. The arguments for prohibition were much the same as the ones they are using now regarding gun control. Doing away with alcohol was to do away with poverty and do away with crime among other things.

Prohibition did not work. It did not stem the use of alcohol; it just made criminals of ordinary citizens. It also led to "turf" wars amongst the bootleggers and organized crime which resulted in more crime. The 21st Amendment was passed to repeal the 18th in 1933. The prohibition against drugs started in the thirties (that is when many of the drug laws were passed) because people had started smoking pot and doing other stuff. In my opinion, the drug laws were more an ecconomic measure to get people to go back to alchohol. People are going to get a "buzz." Alcohol or drugs? Now we have "turf" wars over drug territory. Tobacco is almost illegal to use; taxation and regulation of where you can smoke is making it that way. I don't smoke, but it is another form of prohibition.

The drive to do away with guns only started about 15 to 20 years ago. And every time a nut goes off with a gun, it adds fuel to their "fire". But, just like every drinker is not a drunk, drunk driver, or a criminal, every gun owner is not a nut or criminal. Regulations of what kind of gun you can and cannot own seem reasonable at first glance. But, as with tobacco, it gradually leads to greater and greater restriction.

Guns may actually be made illegal. I pray it does not happen in my lifetime; I will have to make some very difficult choices. And like vrai, I believe that when the right of the people to keep and bear arms is lost, the other rights we hold dear like freedom of speech, freedom of the press, fair trial, freedom from unreasonable search and seizure, and others we hold dear will all fall shortly thereafter.


Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member
Originally posted by jimmy
... When you couple that with statements about liberal hunting season and other such inflamatory remarks,...
Aww... C'mon Jimmy... The Bloom County cartoon is great!


* * * * * * * * *
Staff member
PREMO Member
Originally posted by jimmy
extremism on an issue is NEVER gonna sway people on the other side. Just making it seem like an issue dominates your life makes you look like an extreemist and, therefore, people dont' take you seriously. It's people like you that the gun-control people point to and say "look at these lunatics that are pro-gun".
I see what you're saying Jimmy but it goes both ways. You could also say that people don't take the HCI, Sarah Brady's, and the Million Mom's seriously, when in fact people do. Maybe they are the lunatics.

2A is far from an extremist but he does believe that more gov't gun control laws are rediculous like many people do.


Just a forgiven sinner
PREMO Member
Originally posted by Sharon

2A is far from an extremist but he does believe that more gov't gun control laws are rediculous like many people do.
She should know.

Jimmy, I even gave up my av and my comic title. What more can I do?

By the way, according to a poll (no I don't have the link. Go find it yourself Doc. I did) on the Baltimore Sun site, most Marylanders want the current laws enforced rigorously rather than more laws.
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Oh and I'd agree, 2nd. I think making more unenforced laws is the most retarded thing our gov't can do. And yeah that's what some of the anti-gun folk (just as extreemist and ridiculous as the far otherside mind you) are proposing in many cases.

I guess I jumped the gun a bit (oh christ, did I just use that pun???) but I am always weary of people's views on a subject that seems to encompass their lives.

But you are right. I've never seen your crotch so I have no idea about what gives you a boner. Point taken! :)


Just a forgiven sinner
PREMO Member

As for the Patty thing. I knew a Patty and a Jimmy that lived in Callaway. Thought it might have been you.