More horrible news...

Larry Gude

Strung Out
...from Iraq:

Insurgents attacked five of Baghdad's 1,200 polling stations with shootings and bombs, wounding seven voters

As you can see, the insurgents still control everything and have foiled all attempts by the Americans to disguise the truth. 5 of 1,200 is .004167% or one out of every 240 or so and THAT is nothing to sneeze at.

But in Sunni areas in Baghdad and several key heavily Sunni provinces, a surprisingly high turnout in some areas seemed to consist largely of Iraqis voting "no" because of fears the new constitution would mean setting in stone the Shiite domination they fear.

More evidence that the Bush plan is failing, miserably. As any grade schooler knows, unless everyone agrees, you can't actually call it 'democracy.'

The Sunni Arab turnout was a dramatic change from January parliamentary election, which most Sunnis boycotted. Now they were eager to cast ballots.

Clearly worser-er and worser-er.

"This is all wrong. I said 'no' to a constitution written by the Americans," said Jilan Shaker, 22, a laborer who showed up at an Azamiyah polling station in shorts and plastic sandals.

As you can see, the 'voters' are nothing more than Bush/Cheney lap dogs.

In the crucial northern city of Mosul, there was a constant flow of voters all day long into a kindergarten in a Sunni Arab neighborhood: men and women, dressed at their best in suits and ties or neatly pressed veils, many carrying young children in holiday clothes.

Yeah, right. Like it's some big deal or something. Don't these people get it?
Where's Shawn Penn? Tell them, Shawn, tell them all: We feel their pain!


Routinely Derailed
Ohh, yeah. Sad how we ruined things over there! Well, the whole thing's illegal anyway, right? tsk, tsk.:whistle:


Fighting like a girl
Larry Gude said:
As you can see, the insurgents still control everything and have foiled all attempts by the Americans to disguise the truth. 5 of 1,200 is .004167% or one out of every 240 or so and THAT is nothing to sneeze at.

when converting to a percentage you must remember to move the decimal over two places. So it is actually 0.4167%, but it's still insignificant.


Livin' Like Thanksgivin'
kom526 said:
You may want to check your math again. 5/1200=.004167=not significant.
Um... Truby was right. % = (z / y) x 100.

5/1200 = 0.004167
0.004167 x 100 = 0.4167%

Larry Gude

Strung Out

truby20 said:
when converting to a percentage you must remember to move the decimal over two places. So it is actually 0.4167%, but it's still insignificant.

It gets worse by the minute!