More hypocrisy from the left and the right


Asperger's Poster Child
Sorry, I don't have an article to post. I'm just tired of the name-calling.


New Member
I agree, Tonio, we do do far too much name-calling. But when people are as dedicated to their principles as MGKrebs, VRA, and others, name-calling will go around. Hypocrisy is an inherent part of politics. But I would not even characterize all this as hypocrisy because we are just singling out isolated examples. So whatever.


Asperger's Poster Child
I don't believe principles have anything to do with name-calling. Name-calling happens when people are so convinced of their own rightness that they can't accept that intelligent people might see things another way.

I want to see both sides debate in a mature, rational manner. Not that I expect Ann Coulter and Michael Moore to give each other a big hug and sing "That's What Friends Are For." But it's not too much to ask that they respect each other's intelligence.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Tonio, obviously some of us don't consider certain people particularly intelligent. Just because someone thinks differently than you doesn't mean they're intelligent or educated. Some are, some aren't. When a person bases their opinion on inaccuracies and downright lies, I don't consider that "intelligent" - I consider it stupid. Also, when someone champions a particular social program, despite the statistics that say it doesn't work and in fact does harm, that's not "intelligence".


Speaking of name calling... did anyone catch Spike Lee on The Today Show?:biggrin: