More Kerry History...



I saw a picture on Hannity and Colmes last night, which showed a beaming Senator Kerry shaking hands with Daniel Ortega down in Nicaragua a few days before the big vote to provide funding to the Contras. The Republicans were all for it, and the Kerry gang were all against it. They wanted to let our Communist neighbors to the South to feel free to turn into another Soviet satellite state while the US turned a blind eye.

The purpose of the meeting was that Ortega did not want the US giving aid and arms to the Contras, and Ortega suckered Kerry and Tom Harkin into coming to Nicaragua to so that they could discuss a way to "stop the bloodshed!" Ortega said that, being a peace-loving man, he wanted the fighting to stop and that if the US would stop sending aid to the Contras he would get rid of the Cuban and Soviet advisors in his country and quit taking arms and supplies from them. Kerry and Harking know an honest man when they see one, and they came back and lobbied heavily for Ortega's cause.

As a result, the bill that would have funded the Contras went down in flames, and as soon as it was voted down, Ortega was on a plane to Moscow to push through a $10,000,000 loan for arms and supplies from the Soviets.

I'm starting to think that there's a lot of cronyism in politics. I think that Kerry's dad is Jimmy Carter and grandpa is Neville Chamberlin, and that believing everything a maniacal dictator tells you is true is just a family flaw.:biggrin:


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Sounds like typical liberal bullsh*t to me.

"Mr. Dictator who killed umpteen million people says he'll behave if we do what he says. Not only that but, if we DON'T do what he says, he'll be mad at us and might kill a few MORE million people. Vicious temper you know. So I vote to do what he says!"


Well-Known Member
good observation Bru....
My question would be: Is this insight lost on the X generation who has no memory of the cold war or the Reagan Years...?

It seems far more important to them that Kerry snowboards and bikes---that earns their vote.
How much of your observation was explained on Hannity??? That might reach 3-4 million? (news hounds)


Asperger's Poster Child
In those days, it seemed like Latin Americans were doomed to be ruled by either left-wing dictators like Castro and Ortega, or right-wing dictators like Batista and Somoza. Like there was no hope of democracy in that part of the world.


New Member
Originally posted by Tonio
In those days, it seemed like Latin Americans were doomed to be ruled by either left-wing dictators like Castro and Ortega, or right-wing dictators like Batista and Somoza. Like there was no hope of democracy in that part of the world.

Good point Tonio.