More noob jokes


New Member
Hopefully these haven't been posted before...

Q- Why does Snoop Dogg carry an umbrella?
A- "Fo-Drizzle"

Q- What's brown and sticky
A- a stick

This duck walks into my bar and says; "Gimme a tube of Chap-Stick, and just put it on my bill..."

This string comes riding into town and walks into a saloon, he throws his money on the bar and says "Gimme a beer!" The bartender says "We don't serve strings here!" So the string goes outside and his edges get a little frayed. He walks across the street into another saloon, throws his money down on the bar and says "Gimme a beer!" The bartender says, "We don't serve strings here!" So the string ducks into an alley and ties himself in a knot. He walks back into the second saloon, throws down his money, and says "Gimme a beer!" The bartender grabs a beer and starts to hand it over, and says "Saaaay... Aren't you a string?" and the string says "I'm a frayed knot!"