More on the Rangel Draft



I was watching Rangel's press conference yesterday, and I have to admit he had me thinking that his draft idea might be something good for the country. He said that there would be no exemptions for college, graduate school, etc., and that draftees would be either put into military service or into some type of government service back here at home. He also said that woemn could serve in the foxholes right along with the guys. Lastly he said that he didn't care if it were right or wrong to attack Iraq, North Korea, or any other country; the point is that Americans should have to provide some level of service for the benefits that they receive. I was like "this sounds like a good idea." Then the other shoe dropped. :frown:

The reporters started pressing him about whether this was a means to deter the US from entering into combat, and he again reitterated that whether we are in combat or not is not the issue. National service is the issue. Then a reporter asked him if this was a means to force the children of "THE RICH" to serve in the military... and the whole facade fell in. Rangel started ranting about how everyone in the military is some sort of poor minority and that we must force weathy kids to serve. It was the same, old, GET THE RICH!!! philosophy with a new face. I was so ticked!

I thought Rangel's comments were highly insulting to every present and former member of the volunteer forces. I came from an upper-middle class background as did many of the people I served with. To say that the volunteer military is nothing more than people who can't make it anywhere else just really made me want to get up on that stage and kick his teeth in. Talk about a total a-hole!


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Well, good. Now we know what he thinks of the men and women who protect us. I always like it when the candidate will say what they think straight out.