More Telling Time

A city slicker was traveling thru the countryside. He was lost, had no idea what time it was. He stopped along the side of the road where a farmer was in the field sitting with a bull. The city slicker asks the farmer what time it was. The farmer reaches over, grabs the bulls nuts and lifts them like he's weighing them.

"2:20" the farmer announces.

Dumbfounded, the city slicker asks, "Are you sure?"

Again, the farmer lifts the bull's nuts, looks intently, and says, "2:22 now".

The city slicker is flabbergasted. "How on earth can you tell the time, down to the nearest minute, buy lifting that bull's nuts???"

The farmer replies, "Wellppp..... when I lift the bull's nuts, I kin see that there clock tower over yonder..."