More 'tolerance'...

Larry Gude

Strung Out
...and open mindedness...

But before she could get to the word in her speech that meant the most to her -- Christ -- her microphone went dead.

Clark County School District officials and an attorney with the American Civil Liberties Union said Friday that cutting McComb's mic was the right call. Graduation ceremonies are school-sponsored events, a stance supported by federal court rulings, and as such may include religious references but not proselytizing, they said.

They said McComb's speech amounted to proselytizing and that her commentary could have been perceived as school-sponsored.

But even though administrators warned McComb that her speech would get cut short if she deviated from the language approved by the school, she said it all boiled down to her fundamental right to free speech.

Maybe if she would have said "George Bush is a baby killer" and "America SUCKS" then they would have seen it as free speech and not seen it as proselytizing nor perceived it as school sponsored?


New Member
from article said:
McComb, who will study journalism at Biola University, a private Christian school in La Mirada, Calif., doesn't believe she was preaching. She said although some people might not like the message of her speech, it was just that, her speech.

"People aren't stupid and they know we have freedom of speech and the district wasn't advocating my ideas," McComb said. "Those are my opinions.

"It's what I believe."

Right from high school into the real world.
Such a slap in the face for these young folks to learn that their values and opinions are welcome and accepted, only as long as they are the "same as ours".
12 years spent doing her best and tying to achieve, learning from her role models to, in the end, have them slam her against the wall and say "Just kiddin!!"