Morning Sickness


New Member
I have horrible morning sickness. In fact it is all day sickness. I constantly feel queasy, light headed, and dizzy. Is there anything that I can do for this besides shoving food in my mouth all day long? Or are there any particular foods that might keep it at bay? Thanks!


Hot Flash
I have horrible morning sickness. In fact it is all day sickness. I constantly feel queasy, light headed, and dizzy. Is there anything that I can do for this besides shoving food in my mouth all day long? Or are there any particular foods that might keep it at bay? Thanks!

Try dry toast/saltine crackers.

If you can't keep food down get some Ensure (google)

It was the only thing I wouldn't get sick with when I was preggers.

The chocolate is very good.


curiouser and curiouser
I second the saltines. I kept a sleeve in my purse and snacked on them all day. I still felt nauseous, but it kept the barfing at bay.


New Member
I have horrible morning sickness. In fact it is all day sickness. I constantly feel queasy, light headed, and dizzy. Is there anything that I can do for this besides shoving food in my mouth all day long? Or are there any particular foods that might keep it at bay? Thanks!

Sipping lemonade worked for me. Fresh air made me feel a bit better too. I was opposite of you regarding food, the more food I had in my stomach the queasier I felt. Hope your morning sickness goes away soon!


Active Member
Saltines seem to work. Also have a look at what you are eating and drinking that might cause upset. Get any junk out of your diet. (I once worked with a girl who ate nothing but junkfood and threw up in every wastebasket in the office and couldn't figure out why she was always sick). Fresh air and some sunshine every day can't hurt.

Everyone's different, so just figure out what you can eat that doesnt bother you and stick with it. You may find that small meals throughout the day are best for you. Try having something healthy before you get to the queasy stage.

More than likely, it'll be over in a few weeks.

And congratulations! :)


New Member
this may sound strange but I used these papaya enzyme chews. you can get them in the vitamin isle and apparently papaya is a natural way to help your stomach break down food, and it worked great for my morning sickness. And the OB/GYN said it was fine to use since the ingredients are just papaya extract!

Also ginger ale, crackers, or just a mint (like those red and white ones that look like candy canes)

Good luck!


New Member
if it gets real bad you can talk to your dr about meds for nauseaus but all the other things are defientaly worth trying! good luck!


New Member
Motherhood maternity in the mall used to sell preggo drops( used to have the lolipops) they are made with ginger and they seemed to help. you can order them online too


Dream Stealer
I had to eat constantly the first few weeks to avoid feeling sick :barf: so I got fat..but felt good...:killingme

best thing that worked for me was sweet drinks..sweet tea, lemonade, juice. helped keep my blood sugar up a little without having to actually eat. That was the root of my problem, really..the low blood sugar I got. That and I tried to cut out caffiene. which was a nogo for me..I had to add it back or I felt like death. I just cut it back.


New Member
Ugh I had morning sickness with my first so bad I ended up in the ER twice for dehydration...those people that would say saltines and crackers used to make me so angry b/c that did not help me at all!!

I agree with the Ensure...I drank those daily, but they are a little pricey. I also ate organic fruit popsicles. I don't remember the brand...Amys or something but you can get them from either organic food aisle at Giant or Food Lion.


New Member
The BRAT diet helps... bananas, rice, apples and toast. Easy on the stomach. I had morning sickness pretty bad with my first child. Some woman have it so bad that they have to take Zofran. Good luck and congratulations!
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why so serious
I was hospitalized because of excessive morning sickness my second pregnancy and had to see a nutritionist. I was told to eat bland foods (which was torture in itself) and that protein helps sooth a sickly stomach. As even the thought of meat made me queasy I was forced to eat peanut butter. My suggestion is peanut butter on saltines or toast. Ginger is good for nausea but ginger is also an abortificant so I would be careful as to how much ginger I consumed while pregnant.


New Member
V8 Splash and Yoga worked for me. The V8 kept me hydrated and felt like I had eaten something. The yoga helped me relax and ebbed the nausea.


New Member
Thank you for all of the suggestions. I will definitely have to give some of these solutions a try. I am so nauseous that I really can't even function normally. I can't even go to work. It's pretty awful. I might talk to my Dr. about some medicine. I really need to get back to work!


Dream Stealer
Also, forgot to mention you can take half a unisom tablet and some B12 that is what the doc will generally give you to try first. I never had a i didn't have to take any of it..but it helped my preggo buddy out quite a bit


Salt Life
I was sick 24 hours a day for the first 3 months. I was miserable, and lost a good 15 pounds. TMI, but it was nothing to puke 20 plus times in a day. It was horrid.


no longer CalvertNewbie
I was sick 24 hours a day for the first 3 months. I was miserable, and lost a good 15 pounds. TMI, but it was nothing to puke 20 plus times in a day. It was horrid.

Wow, that's horrible! I can't believe your OB didn't give you some meds to help you.

I was pretty fortunate, didn't feel/get sick all too often while I was pregnant. But when I did, peppermint candy helped me and so did saltines/dry toast.


why so serious
I was sick 24 hours a day for the first 3 months. I was miserable, and lost a good 15 pounds. TMI, but it was nothing to puke 20 plus times in a day. It was horrid.

That pretty much happened to me too.
Wow, that's horrible! I can't believe your OB didn't give you some meds to help you.

I was pretty fortunate, didn't feel/get sick all too often while I was pregnant. But when I did, peppermint candy helped me and so did saltines/dry toast.

They gave me meds to control it but I can't imagine anyone being able to function well on them, they zonked me out so badly. Phenergan, knocked me on my ass, but did the trick, couldn't keep even water down otherwise.


no longer CalvertNewbie
That pretty much happened to me too.

They gave me meds to control it but I can't imagine anyone being able to function well on them, they zonked me out so badly. Phenergan, knocked me on my ass, but did the trick, couldn't keep even water down otherwise.

Hmmm, I didn't know that the side effects were so bad. Impossble to go to work I guess, huh? I don't know how anyone could work while puking all day, either. Not always easy being pregnant, that's for sure!