MORON!!! Bush Vows to eliminate Oil Dependence by 4920


New Member
:lmao: :lmao: :lmao:

WASHINGTON, DC—President Bush unveiled an aggressive initiative Monday that would make the U.S. free of petroleum dependence by the year 4920, less than three millennia from now.

Above: President Bush presents his plan for our nation's far future.
"Our mission is clear," Bush said in a speech delivered at Fort Bragg in North Carolina. "We must free ourselves from dependence on fossil fuels within 85 generations. A cleaner, safer America is my vision. And it is our great, great—great-times-80 grandchildren who will realize that vision."

Bush promised a legislative package that would mandate severe cuts in oil-production subsidies and provide new funding for alternative-energy research and development. According to the timetable he presented, these bills could be introduced as early as 3219, and U.S. energy consumers could start to see radical changes by the early 42nd century.
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Board Mommy
PREMO Member
In order for parody to be funny, it must be based on fact. Otherwise it falls flat.

Rush Limbaugh said that (paraphrased).


Methodically disorganized
Qpid said:
the article made me laugh. dont get mad at me cuz i found it hilarious
Okay... then can we get mad at you cuz you refuse to follow Vrai's direction to post a brief quote and a link instead of an entire stupid article? Or cuz you're posting "Chit Chat" stuff in the "News" section? Or maybe just cuz you apparently never stop laughing (a sign of insanity/delirium, you know)?


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
hvp05 said:
Okay... then can we get mad at you cuz you refuse to follow Vrai's direction to post a brief quote and a link instead of an entire stupid article?
Thanks for reminding me :love:


Obama destroyed America
Qpid said:
:lmao: WASHINGTON, DC—President Bush unveiled an aggressive initiative Monday that would make the U.S. free of petroleum dependence by the year 4920, less than three millennia from now.
Bush doesn't have time to pursue new energy sources. He's too busy forcing kids to enlist, creating tsunami's, ignoring moms, and killing boys in Iraq. :lalala:


Pea Brain
PREMO Member
Baja28 said:
Bush doesn't have time to pursue new energy sources. He's too busy forcing kids to enlist, creating tsunami's, ignoring moms, and killing boys in Iraq. :lalala:
Don't forget the part about sucking the fun out of your favorite radio programs. :patriot:


New Member
vraiblonde said:
In order for parody to be funny, it must be based on fact. Otherwise it falls flat.

Rush Limbaugh said that (paraphrased).

And Rush Limbaugh should know. He's a walking parady of a politico. :lmao:

Sorry, Vrai, you either walked into that one, or purposely set it up on the tee...not sure yet.


I just wonder why he gave the oil companies an even larger tax break in his "energy bill". I would have expected we would pay less for gas, or even the war after seizing the oil fields of Iraq, now were paying $2.50 for regular, and that's down here.


Well-Known Member
Homesick said:
I have wondered the same. All the countries being taken over for their oil, we should be paying cents not dollars, or should that be free? I hear, we will be paying $5.00 before too long. So enjoy $2.50 while it last.
So the obvious conclusion is - we AREN'T taking them over for their oil, or it WOULD be cheaper.

How does someone think like this?