Morton's In The Cross hairs For Daring To Do Business With Someone The Left Wants to Harass


PREMO Member

DBAG William LeGate CHEERS Lefties making fake Morton’s reservations costing servers much-needed tips then tries deleting (but we got ’em)

Lefty pro-aborts punishing Morton’s servers because they’re too stupid to know abortion isn’t banned. Classy.

But we’ve never accused the Left of actually caring about the consequences of their actions when they are throwing yet another of their temper tantrums because they’re not getting their way. Take for example, William LeGate (you know, the lefty pillow guy) who was cheering jackwads all over the country making fake reservations at Morton’s Steakhouses because they not only allowed Kavanaugh to eat dinner there, but were unhappy with the protesters harassing him.


Note, William deleted his thread of tweets all but calling people to action … and yes, it’s all our fault people saw it that way.

I tweeted about what was happening… never advocated for it. Deleted the tweets bc people such as yourself were (deliberately?) misconstruing my tweets about current events as some sort of call-to-action – which it wasn't.
— LeGate☮️ (founder @ (@williamlegate) July 9, 2022

Except you know, tweets don’t lie.

And neither do retweets.



Well-Known Member
Democrats are evil.
I don't know why any decent person would still belong to the democrat party.
Maybe they are just too lazy to change their affiliation, or perhaps they do not feel that the republican party is much better---and it isn't.


PREMO Member

The Harassment Of Brett Kavanaugh And Everyone Else Is The Left’s New Normal

Democrats and leftists are nothing if not disturbing, selfish, and void of decency.

The comments came after a bunch of angry activists showed up outside the front of the restaurant, where Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh was dining. They called the manager, demanding that Kavanaugh be denied service, which resulted in the justice having to sneak out through a back door.

The left-wing Twitter account “ShutDownDC” triumphantly tweeted that Mortons “should be ashamed for welcoming a man who so clearly hates women.” Then it put out a call for all service workers in the city to report sightings of any of the Republican-appointed Supreme Court justices, even offering as much as $200 if more bitter activists are able to show up in time to harass them again.

It’s hardly shocking anymore. As I write in my new book “Liberal Misery: How the Hateful Left Sucks Joy Out of Everything and Everyone,” we’re all becoming numb to how angry, vindictive, and petty the left is. When things aren’t going their way, there’s no limits to the grief and ruin they’re willing to inflict on us all.

Recall that just a few months ago, when the national supply chain issues were quickly making it impossible to buy anything, the response from liberals was: Just buy less and shut up.

When those annoying mask mandates were once again pulled back, their response was: I don’t care, I’m still wearing mine, and screw everyone else who won’t do the same.

The wildly popular “Libs of TikTok” Twitter account is nothing more than a collection of furious leftists in their own words. Naturally, they tried shutting it down.

It’s endless. After the Kavanaugh episode, The Washington Post’s Alexandra Petri displayed her talent as the paper’s “humor columnist” to mock the justice’s right to have dinner in public unmolested. “The right to congregate and eat dinner is actually not to be found anywhere in the Constitution,” she wrote, probably while crying and cursing.


Well-Known Member
These people are organized and someone is directing them if not hiring them to do things like this.
Why do I say that?
I am retired and I don't have the time the inclination or the funds to travel to Washington every day and stand by for information on where a justice is eating so that i can drop everything and run over to harass that Justice. Nor do I have the time to go to their home and harass them.

I also know that if I went to harass a Justice I would be arrested, like the protesters on 1-6.
Conservatives are on the arrest list. If I was not worried about being arrested I would be with the thousands who should be blocking access to the DC jail for the illegal and unconstitutional holding of the people there.

If we had a Justice system and a real FBI whoever is paying these people would be under arrest.