Mostly Peaceful Protests and the Radicalization of the FBI


PREMO Member
But, the derangement isn’t limited to just Capitol Hill. Our national law enforcement and intelligence agencies are just as susceptible to the dysphoria produced by a perceived threat to the left-wing agenda. The effects are magnified exponentially when the heads of these agencies are left-wing stooges — the statist proclivities of left-wing liberalism remain relatively dormant until someone arises to threaten their ubiquitous bureaucracy.

At the outset, one of President Trump’s biggest mistakes was allowing former FBI Director James Comey to remain in office, empowering him to subvert the new administration by colluding with democrats and other heads of three letter agencies. As a Barack Obama appointee, Comey was philosophically cut from the same cloth — politics superseded integrity.

America witnessed the horrifying results, during a 2016 press conference in which Comey attempted to exonerate Hillary Clinton after reciting a laundry list of her nefarious deeds. Beyond the obvious attempt to influence the outcome of the 2016 election in Hillary’s favor, a radical change in FBI culture was expedited. The liberalism of James Comey and others became radicalized in the face of the threat to their power. A collective fight or flight response activated and a frenzy ensued to depose the “Orange Man.” The Trump Presidency exposed the virulent and pervasive soul-rot.

The James Comey era ushered in an unprecedented level of political gerrymandering — the cabal was assembled along philosophical, not necessarily partizan lines. What often appears as conspiracy is really just collusion born of ideological camaraderie. The stairway to the seventh floor of FBI headquarters is composed of narrow treads, navigated partly by excelling at objective competencies evaluated by a board of peers. The second subjective component is professional reputation. It is somewhat euphemistic, but essentially, if a managerial candidate is known as a competent team player, his or her chances of promotion are inherently greater. A poor professional reputation is a death sentence, usually signaled by a career stall at mid-level management.
