Larry Gude
Strung Out
You've heard of 'muscle confusion' whereby you change up workout routines to keep the body guessing and constantly challenged thereby accelerating overall conditioning.
Well, I started yesterday, 7am on the Strat, an hour or so of that, umpteen trips back and forth from the greenhouses to home and back on the crf230 and then, after yanking old barbed wire for three hours in order to open up new lines, I spent two hours hammering the YZ all over my hells half acre, my l;ittle track, then all over, track, all over, AND THEN jumped back on the Strat to go hang with the gang.
Well, I was tired and happy and suddenly, that freaking thing felt like a sofa. A big, fat, plush, comfy, soft, heavy sofa. A sleeper sofa. With a built in refrigerator.
And I could NOT find the rear brake!!!
My body was like "Would you make up your mind all ready? Muscle memory only works if you stop changing bikes every 5 minutes, a hole!"
Oh. BTW, ancient Gude Proverb; It is easier to put up barbed wire than it is to take it down so, only put it where it's gonna stay!
Well, I started yesterday, 7am on the Strat, an hour or so of that, umpteen trips back and forth from the greenhouses to home and back on the crf230 and then, after yanking old barbed wire for three hours in order to open up new lines, I spent two hours hammering the YZ all over my hells half acre, my l;ittle track, then all over, track, all over, AND THEN jumped back on the Strat to go hang with the gang.
Well, I was tired and happy and suddenly, that freaking thing felt like a sofa. A big, fat, plush, comfy, soft, heavy sofa. A sleeper sofa. With a built in refrigerator.

My body was like "Would you make up your mind all ready? Muscle memory only works if you stop changing bikes every 5 minutes, a hole!"

Oh. BTW, ancient Gude Proverb; It is easier to put up barbed wire than it is to take it down so, only put it where it's gonna stay!