Motorcycles on base


Lawful neutral
I just had someone e-mail me the new OPNAV INSTRUCTION 5100.12J 26 June 2012 NAVY TRAFFIC SAFETY PROGRAM and Page 24 article (6) states

(6) Civilian Motorcycle Operator Training. All civilian motorcycle operators who have a current State motorcycle operator license, endorsement or permit are not required to complete any of the above training.

The above training is...

12. Motorcycle Safety
a. Motorcycle Operator Licensing. All operators of government and privately-owned motorcycles must be properly licensed or permitted when operating these vehicles on public highways or roadways. For tactical motorcycle operators, a valid OF-346 with a motorcycle endorsement accompanied with a valid State driver's license fulfills this requirement.
b. Training for Operators of Three Wheeled Vehicles and Scooters. Operators of motorcycles with attached sidecars, operators of three-wheeled vehicles and operators of scooters, mopeds or other two-wheeled vehicles that may be operated without a driver license motorcycle endorsement are not required to complete motorcycle training. All host nation, State and local training requirements must be adhered to.
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c. Pre-purchase Counseling. Motorcycle ownership is a significant responsibility. Prior to purchasing a motorcycle, all Sailors will consult with the first chief petty officer or officer in their chain of command to be certain they are aware of the responsibilities that come with ownership. These responsibilities include proper licensing, insurance, registration, training, and mandatory PPE.
d. Accountability. All military personnel must meet all applicable licensing, registration, insurance and training requirements before street riding. Non-compliance is punishable under the UCMJ.
e. Motorcycle Safety Training. The purpose of the Navy motorcycle safety training program is to provide both novice and experienced motorcycle operators with the opportunity to enhance their riding skills, knowledge, and techniques throughout their riding career. The program is an effort to reduce mishaps, which in the past have negatively affected readiness. Commanders are encouraged to establish joint training programs with installation and unit commanders of the other Service and local and State motorcycle safety program managers, wherever practical. Training shall be provided to all Sailors within 30 days of the Sailor's request for training. The three levels of motorcycle training are:
(1) Level I. Level I courses include: the Motorcycle Safety Foundation (MSF) BRC, any State approved curriculum intended to provide novice riders the skills and knowledge needed to obtain a drivers license motorcycle endorsement, any course approved by any of the other Services, or any entry level rider training course approved by OPNAV N09F/COMNAVSAFECEN. All Sailors who plan to purchase or operate a motorcycle (regardless of their intent to ride the motorcycle on or off base) shall complete level I training prior to operating these vehicles. Additionally, operators of government-owned motorcycles shall complete level I training prior to operating a government owned motorcycle. All riders must complete level I training prior to attending any advanced level motorcycle training.
(2) Level II. These courses are intended to build upon the skills and knowledge that riders obtain in level I courses. The MSRC and Advanced Rider Course are examples of level II
26 June 2012
courses approved for sport bike riders. The Advanced Rider Course and BRC II are examples of level II courses approved for non-sport bike riders. A complete and current listing of all OPNAV N09F/COMNAVSAFECEN approved level II rider training courses is available on the NAVSAFECEN's Web site.
(3) Level III. These courses are intended to improve the riders' skills and knowledge through a curriculum that includes practice maneuvers conducted at street or highways speeds, challenging cornering techniques and other realistic scenarios conducted in a controlled environment. Examples of level III courses include: the California Superbike School, the Marine Corps' Advanced Motorcycle Operator Course, Total Control and American Super Camp. A complete and current listing of all OPNAV N09F/COMNAVSAFECEN approved Level III rider training courses is available on the NAVSAFECEN's Web site.
(4) Follow-on Training. All Sailors who operate motorcycles shall complete Level II training within 60 days of completion of Level I training or upon changing the type of motorcycle ridden. Motorcycle operators who are properly licensed and have completed Level I training may immediately enroll in and complete Level II training.
(5) Refresher Training. All Sailors who operate motorcycles shall complete Level II or Level III refresher training every three (3) years. If Level II or Level III training is unavailable any OPNAV N09F/COMNAVSAFECEN approved course may be substituted.
(6) Civilian Motorcycle Operator Training. All civilian motorcycle operators who have a current State motorcycle operator license, endorsement or permit are not required to complete any of the above training.(7) Dirt Bike and Off-road Motorcycle Operator Training. All Sailors who intend to operate a dirt bike or off-road motorcycle highly encouraged to complete OPNAV N09F/COMNAVSAFECEN approved dirt bike or off-road training.
(8) Approved Training Courses. A list of all OPNAV N09F/COMNAVSAFECEN approved motorcycle courses is available on the NAVSAFECEN's Web site.
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(9) Course Approval Requests. Commanders desiring to use non-recognized or approved training may submit written requests to OPNAV N09F/COMNAVSAFECEN.
(10) Training Costs. Training required by this instruction shall be provided to Sailors and members of the other Services at no cost and they will not be charged leave. Training may be provided to DoD civilian employees, dependents and retirees at no cost on a space available basis.
(11) Records of Course Completion. Safety offices that are responsible for providing training will maintain course completion records and cards. If an individual needs a replacement card, they should contact the appropriate base safety office where the training was completed. Unit safety MSRs should also scan course completion cards into ESAMS to further document training.
(12) Failure to Attend Training. Personnel who are enrolled in motorcycle training courses but fail to attend are wasting valuable resources and preventing others from attending and gaining the skills and knowledge they need to be successful. Safety offices responsible for delivering training will provide commands with a "No Show" list of all Sailors who did not attend training. Commanders of Sailors who fail to attend training will take appropriate action. Personnel who require motorcycle training are highly encouraged to enroll through their command MSR to the maximum extent possible.
f. Motorcycle Safety and PPE
(1) Only street legal motorcycles as defined by section 30112 of title 49, U.S. Code, DOT FMVSS and applicable host nation, State and local laws, will be operated on Navy installation streets or highways. All original safety equipment as designed and installed by the manufacturer will be operable.
(2) Gas-powered or electric mini-bikes, pocket bikes, Segways or motorcycles that do not meet DOT FMVSS shall not be operated on Navy installation roadways.
(3) All Sailors who ride motorcycles (operators and passengers) at........