"Moussaoui fly over the cuckoo's nest"


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"Medical sociologist Marilynn Rosenthal, whose son Josh was killed at the World Trade Center, said her family feels strongly "something good has to come out of what happened" and they have endowed an annual Sept. 11 lecture at the University of Michigan, where she teaches. Robin Theurkauf, whose husband, Tom, died in the South Tower, also testified that "the Bible attempts to explain that we are all sinners, all broken people, but all children of God and loved by God."

"He's away from his family. He's lonely. He's complained about racism. He's in a new country, and he doesn't have any support group," Martin said, describing Moussaoui's embrace of radical Islam in the mid-1990s.

Moussaoui has pleaded guilty to conspiring with al Qaeda to fly planes into U.S. buildings, but not on Sept. 11.


What do you think?????? :yawn:

I think, too bad he's lonely. I'm sure there's some medicine to make him feel better....
like a lethal injection...


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In all seriousness, this guy is the most disgusting person on earth.

For several reasons, but the most being his total apathetic attitude..

My parents once told me that

"Apathy is worse than hate, because if someone hates you, at least it shows they care" :war:


It Wasn't Me
Death is to good for him, if he hates americans so much, he should be sent to the worst prison in this country and put into general population, and left there to fend for himself with the people he hates more,

Life to these people is cheap, keep them alive to make them suffer.


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tomchamp said:
It's sad that his is getting Constitutional rights.

He is a French citizen of Moroccan descent...

"The case was widely seen as a barometer of the ability and willingness of the United States to give a fair hearing to terrorism suspects. Moussaoui has angered many people, including Judge Brinkema, with repeated outbursts and inflammatory statements. Moussaoui has admitted that he is using the trial as a soapbox to advertise Islamic fundamentalism and his views on America."

"On February 6th, Moussaoui shouted "I am Al-Qaeda, they do not represent me. They are Americans", referring to his attorneys while being escorted from the courtroom in front of 120 potential jurors present."

This is the most disgusting of all of his testimony.... :war:

"Moussaoui called an Army officer who crawled on his belly to safety beneath searing smoke, "pathetic", and ridiculed a Navy officer who wept as she described the loss of two colleagues.

"I think it was disgusting for a military person" to cry, Moussaoui said of the testimony of Navy Lieutenant Nancy McKeown. "She is military, she should expect people at war with her to want to kill her."

Asked if he was happy to hear her sobbing, he said, "Make my day."

Prosecutor Rob Spencer asked Moussaoui: "So you would be happy to see 9/11 again?"

"Every day until we get you," the 37-year-old Frenchman responded"



Board Mommy
PREMO Member
tomchamp said:
It's sad that he is getting Constitutional rights.
And I would love to know why why we're spending all this money on a trial for this scumbag. He's already admitted guilt, shows no remorse and I think his crazy act is horseshit, just like Saddam Hussein's. For people who orchestrate suicide bombings, they sure don't seem in any hurry to meet Allah and get them virgins.


No Longer the Kid
Hawk said:
Death is to good for him, if he hates americans so much, he should be sent to the worst prison in this country and put into general population, and left there to fend for himself with the people he hates more,

Life to these people is cheap, keep them alive to make them suffer.

He wouldnt survive very long their either... (San Quinten)


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vraiblonde said:
And I would love to know why why we're spending all this money on a trial for this scumbag. He's already admitted guilt, shows no remorse and I think his crazy act is horseshit, just like Saddam Hussein's. For people who orchestrate suicide bombings, they sure don't seem in any hurry to meet Allah and get them virgins.

I agree, but if they sent him back to France, they'd probably let him go. :war:


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I hate to ramble on about this so-called Islamic fundamentalist...how about letting him free in downtown Brooklyn and then see what happens? :bigwhoop: