MP3 Players


But wait, there's more...
Any recommendations? I'm in the market for one to take to the gym, and have never had one. I don't need anything crazy-fancy ... just something to play music on that won't blow my eardrums out. :lol: Also, if there are any players that limit your music sources (i.e., if IPod only lets you download from I-Tunes, I don't want that). I want to be able to put the music I want from cds, stuff I've downloaded, etc. on it.

TIA :smile:


New Member
crabcake said:
Any recommendations? I'm in the market for one to take to the gym, and have never had one. I don't need anything crazy-fancy ... just something to play music on that won't blow my eardrums out. :lol: Also, if there are any players that limit your music sources (i.e., if IPod only lets you download from I-Tunes, I don't want that). I want to be able to put the music I want from cds, stuff I've downloaded, etc. on it.

TIA :smile:
We have Dell DJ's, they are pretty cool. Dont use them much though cuz I can never find all the stuff I need to charge it and put it on the computer and whatnot lol. When I do use it though, I like it.


New Member
I got my 9 year old a Sansa Mp3 Player at Best Buys for about 100 bucks.
It's easy to use and I can load music from cd, pc, Napster or anything else she likes.
It's very tiny and could easily be stashed in a pocket or yours "cones". :wink:


But wait, there's more...
As far as size/storage goes, realistically, is 512mb enough? I would think so ... I'm not looking to store ALL my music on the thing ... just enough to get me through an hour and a half at the gym. :shrug:

I see ones on that are 4, 6, 8 ... even 30 gigs. :shocking: I don't know that I own 30 gigs of music. :jet:

jazz lady

~*~ Rara Avis ~*~
PREMO Member
I have a 30 GB iPod. :yay: Great little machine but probably more than you need. Look at the iPod Shuffle. You can find them for around $100.


You're all F'in Mad...
crabcake said:
As far as size/storage goes, realistically, is 512mb enough?

As far as size goes, do you chicks ever have enough storage? :confused:


Set Trippin
crabcake said:
As far as size/storage goes, realistically, is 512mb enough? I would think so ... I'm not looking to store ALL my music on the thing ... just enough to get me through an hour and a half at the gym. :shrug:

I see ones on that are 4, 6, 8 ... even 30 gigs. :shocking: I don't know that I own 30 gigs of music. :jet:
Just think about the average MP3 being 4 to 6 megs and go from there as far as size....:yay: If I were you I would go higher than 512...


I was checkin out the lil IPod nanos on ebay. I didn't know you could transfer pictures off your digital camera and store them on an IPod to free up your memory cards if need be. Pretty darn neato :yay:


But wait, there's more...
jazz lady said:
I have a 30 GB iPod. :yay: Great little machine but probably more than you need. Look at the iPod Shuffle. You can find them for around $100.

If I go iPod, can I upload non-Itunes music? For some reason, I seem to recall seeing/reading/hearing someone say you could only load music from iTunes to it. :confused:


pretty black roses
I have a 256mb one I use when I go to the gym to listen to. I got it off of ebay for about $30 bucks. It comes with it's own headphones. Right now it has about an hours worth of music on it with plenty more space to add it. The one I have uses a AAA battery and just plugs into a USB port to add/delete music.
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But wait, there's more...
I was thinking about this one. It seems to do what I need. Like I said, I don't need a ton of space, any crazy gadget/functions, etc. ... just wanna have some music that I like to work out to. Anyone know anything about Sandisk products as far as reliability, durability, etc? :shrug:


New Member
crabcake said:
I was thinking about this one. It seems to do what I need. Like I said, I don't need a ton of space, any crazy gadget/functions, etc. ... just wanna have some music that I like to work out to. Anyone know anything about Sandisk products as far as reliability, durability, etc? :shrug:

I have a Sandisk 512 MB player (not the one you're looking, but and it's great. I wear it while working 8 hour shifts and it holds right about 8 hours of tunes. Set it on "shuffle" and let the thing play all night. It's taken a few licks so the display doesn't work, and the puppy got a hold of it and the case is a little mangled but it keeps on ticking.


New Member
Olympus m:Robe

I have a 20GB Olympus m:Robe with a built in digital camera. The camera has hardware overlays so its a really good photo viewer. Their software sucks but you can get alternatives at

I paid $200 online for mine, it's not on market anymore should be cheaper. It has video potential but that's not figured out yet (Open source hackers are working on it). Camera's not fantastic but it's nice. Easy to use - software's pretty basic (Still sucks).

Battery life isn't all that great (5 hours music, 2 hours camera). Volume levels are horrific but they're better with the latest firmware updates on

Could probably find one online for $150. It's LCD touch screen - easy as hell to navigate. Comes with a remote also. It's a great piece of hardware - I love it.


curiouser and curiouser
crabcake said:
If I go iPod, can I upload non-Itunes music?
Yes, I have a 6 GB iPod Mini and love it. I've purchased/downloaded a handful of songs from iTunes, but the majority of the songs I have on it are from uploading CDs. I have my entire CD collection stored on my iPod, with room for plenty more. :yay:


Salt Life
Nickel said:
Yes, I have a 6 GB iPod Mini and love it. I've purchased/downloaded a handful of songs from iTunes, but the majority of the songs I have on it are from uploading CDs. I have my entire CD collection stored on my iPod, with room for plenty more. :yay:
I have the mini, too and love it. Both the girls have the shuffle and it is perfect for them and only cost $100. And just as Nickel said, you can upload your CD's onto iPods. :yay:


Give the creative Muvo a look. I like it better than my I-Pod


crabcake said:
If I go iPod, can I upload non-Itunes music? For some reason, I seem to recall seeing/reading/hearing someone say you could only load music from iTunes to it. :confused:

IPod's can play any mp3 from any source. The problem is the other way around. Music from itunes will only work on apple music players. They are in a proprietary protected aac format. There is a work around, but it takes a bit of time. You can write all the aac music files to a cd, the rip them back to the computer as mp3's.