Mr. Mayor, a moment please....uhhh nevermind...


Well-Known Member
PREMO Member
How would you FAKE an assassination attempt - with innocent bystanders ALSO getting hit, one of them, fatally? With an actual shooter, and pcitures and video? And witnesses?

This is similar to the people who claimed a missile hit the Pentagon - so - the plane totally disappeared, all those passengers are dead, so that you can claim a MISSILE, launched from - where? - hit the Pentagon. And the eyewitness accounts of people who were THERE - including MY DAD, who happened to be walking from the Annex that day - who WATCHED IT HAPPEN.

You know, I watch magic tricks to see how they're done, but I don't think I have ever seen a TRULY baffling one that was done perfectly on the very first try.


Well-Known Member
This guy may never know ifit was faked because he is a moron.
He should listen to that old saying that is is better to be quiet and be thought an idiot them to open you mouth and prove they you are an idiot.
He just displayed undeniable proof.