MS linked to birth Month


aka Mrs. Giant
Actually it is linked to a lack of vitamin D in mothers which seems to be higher over the winter and therefore is linked to babies being born in May.

So maybe moms-to-be should consider some 5 minute tanning salon sessions over the winter if they are pregnant?

Babies' birth month may affect MS risk: study - Kids - MSN Healthy Living
A newborn's immune system development, vitamin D levels and risk for multiple sclerosis may be influenced by the month of birth, new research suggests.

A study conducted in London found that babies born in May have significantly lower levels of vitamin D and a potentially greater risk for developing MS than babies born in November. Multiple sclerosis is a disabling neurological condition that can lead to problems with vision, muscle control, hearing and memory.

Another link on improving your vitamin D
How To Improve A Vitamin D Deficiency | LIVESTRONG.COM


Soul Probe
So with a larger proportion of the population with a vitamin D deficiency, does that mean we will also see more MS cases? :ohwell:


aka Mrs. Giant
There seems to be a huge link to the lack of vitamin D and MS. Can't hurt to up your intake and encourage others to do the same.