Charles Co. MSDE releases annual report card data for state, schools


The Maryland State Department of Education (MSDE) today released new student performance data for the Maryland Report Card. The state report card features information about school accountability measures including student performance, academic growth, school quality, student attendance and school climate. Data included is from the 2022-2023 school year.

Charles County Public Schools only posts a snippet of the story in their RSS feeds. To read the rest of the article, refer to the Source Document


Well-Known Member
I spent some time looking through these, the ratings are crazy. They give more credit for "well rounded curriculum" and "growth metrics" then they do for performance. Pick a random school in Baltimore city and see that less than 5% are proficient in math or ELA (sometimes less than 1%) but they score as well as schools with 30-50% metrics like those in southern Maryland because they do better on "Growth", as in they grew from 1% to 2% proficient (that's 100% growth, incredible) vs a school that goes from 50% to 55%.