MSN’s Sources on A False Story About Rep. Matt Gaetz and Kyle Rittenhouse Are A Left-Wing Bot Account And A Masturbation Blogger.


PREMO Member
The headline on the article was taken from an unverified, left-wing troll Twitter account by the name “Riley Singh,” and alleged: “‘Gaetz hopes Kyle Rittenhouse has friends who are underage girls’: Matt Gaetz’s history with teens resurfaces after internship offer.”

The article alleges that Rep. Gaetz’s offer of a Capitol Hill internship to Kyle Rittenhouse “was just to see if he has any friends Gaetz could hook up with.” The source of the claim is, however, a bot account with just 74 followers:


As readers began pointing out MSN’s journalistic malfeasance and potential libel of Rep. Gaetz, the network began hiding critical tweets from its timeline. The article remains online as of publication on Saturday afternoon.


MSN is owned by Microsoft, the tech giant founded by globalist billionaire Bill Gates. The vertical responsible for the headline featuring the story is run by John Henrikson and Smita Shukla according to MSN’s official website.

Shukla appears to be a far-left activist, as her Twitter feed constantly retweets Marxist politicians such as Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, left-wing activist Aaron Rupar, and Hillary Clinton. Shukla has also sent fawning tweets at failed Georgia gubernatorial candidate Stacey Abrams, who consistently peddles falsehoods about why she lost her 2018 election.

Covucci, the original author of the baseless article, has previously spent his journalistic career exploring “masturbation booths” in Brooklyn, New York, where he resides.
