Muck in the turnout?


New Member
We are thinking of extending our sacrifice lot in our backyard, this would however fence in our muck pile. There would be plently of room for the horses to get around it, but would we have to fence off just the section where we dump the muck? or could we enclose it with the rest and just assume the horses won't mess with it?


New Member
We are thinking of extending our sacrifice lot in our backyard, this would however fence in our muck pile. There would be plently of room for the horses to get around it, but would we have to fence off just the section where we dump the muck? or could we enclose it with the rest and just assume the horses won't mess with it?

Do your horses normally eat their own muck? :shrug: :cartwheel
Great name btw! :whistle:


Well-Known Member
I would fence it off. :shrug: You don't want them walking through'll make a mess.


laura+flare= gone
they should be okay, as long as its like in a pile rather then spread out. We used to have a pile in are pasture, which we moved out last year, they dont bother it as long as theres no left over hay or grain in it. Lots of people i know do the same.