Music Whot I Likes


curiouser and curiouser
migtig said:
OMG I heard her on the radio today (I normally listen to my iPod) and was like wow I really like that wonder who sings it...and then Kaine said Hillary Duff. I was so :blushing:

I downloaded her album and listen to it at the gym. :lol: It's not Grammy material or anything, but all of her songs have a peppy beat and even when they're about being sad they sound happy.


All those songs... every one of them...

...needs more cowbell.

I GOT A FEVER. And the only prescription - is more cowbell.


aka Mrs. Giant
Nickel said:
Ugh, she is so annoying she makes my ears hurt. :lol: Beyonce too. :lol:
I really dislike Avril but I can't help myself. :lmao: and that video is a riot. The Beyonce Shakira thing - just turn off the volume and watch :hot: :lmao: