Musicians play with brainwaves in tune


Lawful neutral

It might sound esoteric, or like something from science fiction, but musicians synchronize their brainwaves when they play together, German scientists have shown.

"It is not quite like a wireless internet connection, because we do not think that information is being exchanged. But there is a synchronization of brainwaves between musicians playing together," Johanna Sänger told The Local.

"It was a good choice to work with guitarists," said Sänger. "The physical movements they make to play are not so influential on the brainwaves we were measuring. Violinists or flautists would be much more difficult as the movement of the chin or the hard blowing they do would affect our readings."

She said the brainwaves of the paired guitarists synchronized as they played together - even though they were playing different pieces of the same duet.


Soul Probe

She said the next step would be to see how this synchronization was different as time went on - would the musicians' brainwaves become ever more similar the longer they played together? Or would this mirrored effect become less as the musicians learned to play the music together better, thus necessitating less coordination.

That is what she and the team are working on now - using a quartet of guitarists and looking at how the synchronization levels develop and possibly change as they proceed through rehearsals over the medium term.

I've been starting to read up on neuropsychology, which is a fairly new soft scientific discipline. It's fascinating stuff, and I believe such studies will lead to a greater understanding of human psychosocial functions and behavior which will lead to various treatments and cures -- a wave of the future.


Soul Probe

Not exactly.

Neuropsychology would be the science explaining how the functions of the brain can affect the body as well as personality. For example, how meditation (psychological) leads to increased health and productivity (physical). Or, why Russian orphans fail to thrive (physical) due to lack of affection (psychological).

Larry Gude

Strung Out
but we think it is a functional synchronization. It might not be communication as we usually define it, but the brainwaves became synchronized - or mirrored."

I find this as no surprise. At all.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
This same principle for headbangers is called 'traumatized' :cheers:

There is some truth to that. Crowds take on a life of their own, a unity of action that speaks to something larger, much larger, than the individual, much like musicians playing a piece together; harmony.

There are all sorts of stories from combat of moments, hours in some cases, where any sort of order or control from above is gone and the mass of troops are acting in unison, not even in control of themselves, taken along by some magic force. It happened at Spotsylvania Courthouse and Chattanooga just to name two famous episodes.

I know you meant to just kid about it but, that same sort of harmony, unity of action, connection of brainwaves, does happen in mosh pits. Not all the time, but, you can see it, you can feel it when it does.

Plenty of examples all over the youtube machine.

Concert of action is the intent be it a mosh pit, battle or playing a song. Some times, the band just ain't on.



Soul Probe

Granted I've mostly gone to metal concerts but I find there is friendship with strangers regardless of race, gender, or creed; a shared love and unity of purpose.

Rules of the moshpit. NSW. Forward to 4:01 for comment on pit harmony and what happens if you break that harmony.
