Muslim Argues With Christianity - Accepts Christ


New Member
By Sultan Muhammad Paul


This was the first opportunity I had to meet a Christian in argument. On that very day, there was born in me an indescribable eagerness to argue with Christians, an eagerness derived from a deeply rooted fervour and concern for things sacred. Consequently, as far as lay within my power, I began to collect the notable books in refutation of Christianity. I made a careful study of many books, and on appointed days I began to go to the Fountain, to carry on discussions with the Christian preachers.



When one posts a thread with the title "Muslim Argues With Christianity - Accepts Christ" one naturally assumes that this is an event that happened recently. Now I know this isn't the News and Currents Events forum, but it did lead me to believe that. However the testamony of this Sultan Muhammad Paul clearly states that he was born in 1881! . So I'm wondering what is the significance of bringing up something that happened a century ago? Is this the latest conversion that you can find?


New Member
When one posts a thread with the title "Muslim Argues With Christianity - Accepts Christ" one naturally assumes that this is an event that happened recently. Now I know this isn't the News and Currents Events forum, but it did lead me to believe that. However the testamony of this Sultan Muhammad Paul clearly states that he was born in 1881! . So I'm wondering what is the significance of bringing up something that happened a century ago? Is this the latest conversion that you can find?

it is very doubtful that starmann saw past his hate enough to realize the propaganda he had been handed was so dated