Muslim Orgy in Paradise - What Breasts!


The mighty Al-Sonsie!
You've got to see this Saudi cleric raving about the virgins in paradise, I swear he must have a raging woody with how excited he sounds. It's pretty short and funny.

What hair! What a chest! What a mouth! What cheeks! What a figure! What breasts! What thighs! What legs! What whiteness! What softness! Without any creams – no Nivea, no vaseline. LINK

No vaseline? WTF? :roflmao:


You've got to see this Saudi cleric raving about the virgins in paradise, I swear he must have a raging woody with how excited he sounds. It's pretty short and funny.

What hair! What a chest! What a mouth! What cheeks! What a figure! What breasts! What thighs! What legs! What whiteness! What softness! Without any creams – no Nivea, no vaseline. LINK

No vaseline? WTF? :roflmao:



Loyalty, Friendship, Love
Does the Koran say there's no need for Nivea? Now THAT's a prophet that could've predicted the name of that product.

As a side note...
I didn't click on the link yesterday because there were children in the house and it looked like it could prove to be inappropriate. I waited until this morning while all the kids were still in bed...

Sure enough, one of the kids had to get up...the only one able to read fast enough to catch the captions, of course. :ohwell:

"Mom, what's that guy talking about?"

So, I closed the link and explained in innocent kid terms about pretty girls waiting in heaven. (Ewww, yuck, girls :barf:) But when I started to explain, I realized that he was staring at the screen, which was now showing this thread...he was staring at the pancake bunny in someone's sig. Mesmerized. Much better than virgins in paradise.


New Member
You've got to see this Saudi cleric raving about the virgins in paradise, I swear he must have a raging woody with how excited he sounds. It's pretty short and funny.

What hair! What a chest! What a mouth! What cheeks! What a figure! What breasts! What thighs! What legs! What whiteness! What softness! Without any creams – no Nivea, no vaseline. LINK

No vaseline? WTF? :roflmao:

Yep! That's what the Muslim male is taught to expect in the "afterlife" as a "Reward" for being faithful to Islam:

"Verily for the Righteous there will be fulfillment of (the heart's) desires; Gardens enclosed, and grapevines; And voluptuous women of equal age."
(Qur'an: 078.031-033)

"But the sincere (and devoted) Servants of Allah, for them is a sustenance determined, Fruits (Delights); and they (shall enjoy) honour and dignity, in Gardens of Felicity...And besides them will be chaste women, restraining their glances, with big eyes (of wonder and beauty)..." (Qur'an: 037.040-049)

"We have created (their Companions) of special creation. And made them virgin - pure (and undefiled), Beloved (by nature), equal in age."
(Qur'an: 056.035-037)

BTW: Islamic theology teaches that a martyrdom is the only thing that guarantees entry into the Islamic paradise. Additionally, a martyr can intercede on behalf of seventy (70) family members, thus assuring a place in "paradise" for them as well. Any wonder why so many Muslim men are willing to become suicide/homicide bombers and why Muslim parents see it as "honorable" ???

"The intercession of a martyr will be accepted for seventy members of his family." (Sunan Abu-Dawud, Book 14, No. 2516)



New Member
lol - Even your version of the Qur'an still gives the promise of virgins to the faithful Muslim male.:lmao:

Christian theology is replete with examples of Martyrdom, your greatest Saints are so because they became a Martyr. is that less "honorable"?

Hmmm... Sorry but it appears that you are not really aware of the difference between Christian Martyrdom and Islamic Martyrdom.

Christian martyrs are those who are persecuted and killed because of their faith in Yeshua HaMashiach and refusal to renounce their faith. They do not take any action to defend themselves and are resigned to having to face death at the hands of the persecutor.

Islamic martyrdom is a commandment in Islamic theology that obligates Muslims to strike terror in the hearts of non-Muslims by all means possible and the only guarantee to attain the Islamic paradise is if they die as a martryr in the process of killing the "Infidels". Murder for the cause of Al'lah is permitted!

Your arguing a fanatics take on the Muslim bible. You fail, and will continue to fail to understand you can not base an entire religion on the actions of its Fanatical Minority, by doing so you then expose your own beliefs problems with it's own Fanatical Minority.

Just as not all Americans are in the military defending the U.S. Constitution, not all Muslims are engaged in the terror cells defending the ideology of Islam as commanded in the Qur'an. However, Muslims are to aid and support the Jihadists. Why do you think there are no Muslim conscientious objectors and protestors en-masse calling for Muslim clerics to quit preaching hatred agains Jews, Christians and non-Muslim societies.

The Fundamental commandments of the Qur'an call for striking terror in the hearts of "Unbelievers" - those who do not accept Al'lah and the Islamic prophet Muhammad are to be given a choice: Convert or Die. That is what is going on right now with Christians, Jews, Hindus, and all other non-Muslims being threatened by Fundamental Muslims.


New Member
The Islamic ideology will succeed in controlling the U.S. if the majority of Americans take your attitude. Europe and The Netherlands are good examples of societies cow-towing to the demands for change by Islamic groups.


New Member
And your answer to that is that Americans should cow-tow to Christians demands. How is it any different?

In reality, if you'd realize it, what your arguing for is a Seperation of Church (any kind) and State. Welcome to the dark side

Yes, there should be separation of church and state! That's what guarantees true freedom and exercise of one's Free-Will.

And, when it comes to obligations and responsibilities, even Yeshua recognized the difference:

"Render therefore unto Caesar the things which are Caesar's; and unto God the things that are God's." (Matthew 22:20-22)


New Member
And as it is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgment:

What a bait and switch, expecting a reward and recieving an eternity in Hell!
Of course they all know that its a roll of the tice for them, as they have no assurance of their salvation.

I think I'd have to trade it in, for a religion that offers more than false promises.


New Member
And as it is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgment:

What a bait and switch, expecting a reward and recieving an eternity in Hell!
Of course they all know that its a roll of the tice for them, as they have no assurance of their salvation.

I think I'd have to trade it in, for a religion that offers more than false promises.

Exactly! Islam offers no assurance of salvation! The deceptive bait of offering the Islamic paradise filled with good eats, wine and wide-eyed virgins is what entices the Muslim male to become a suicide/homicide bomber for the cause of Al'lah.

Terrorists: Driven by Sex-Crazed Ideas!

It should be called the "suicidal sexual-dysfunction syndrome" (SSDS).

Fundamental Islamic terrorists and young impressionable recruits are easily controlled through brainwashing techniques that entice them with “promised” rewards of overwhelming sexual gratification in the afterlife; pleasures that they are willing to kill and die for. The basic human sex-drive is one of the most powerful methods of psychological influence that Islamic clerics deliberately use to encourage Muslim men to commit barbaric acts of murder. Indoctrination is combined with socio/political propagandizing that incites hatred toward Jews, Christians and all other non-Islamic societies. While clerics and terrorist recruiters may partake of their own harems here on earth, they select vulnerable weak-minded Muslim men who are distraught with this life and who are incapable of establishing normal personal relationships with women. Thus, the prospective “Islamic martyr” actually falls for the promise of attaining the “sex-filled paradise” and is willing to carry out homicide bombings - all the while thinking that this will also be pleasing their god, Allah. The question is: Why are Islamic clerics and terror recruiters not seeking a quick trip to this paradise - if it really exists?

For Example:
… According to ’Abdullah b. ’Umar, every inhabitant of Paradise will have at his disposal five hundred houris, four thousand virgins, and eight thousand women who have known men. He will have the strength to have intercourse with them all..."
Source: Paradise, Hell, Their Inmates, the Last Day

One youth’s experience on the attempt to recruit him to become a homicide bomber:

Are these sexual enticements that are spoken by Islamic clerics, therefore, really the words of God or are they actually the words of Satan?
“Satan makes them promises, and creates in them false desires; but satan's promises are nothing but deception.” (Qur’an 004.120)



New Member
It should be called the "suicidal sexual-dysfunction syndrome" (SSDS).

Fundamental Islamic terrorists and young impressionable recruits are easily controlled through brainwashing techniques that entice them with “promised” rewards of overwhelming sexual gratification in the afterlife; pleasures that they are willing to kill and die for. The basic human sex-drive is one of the most powerful methods of psychological influence that Islamic clerics deliberately use to encourage Muslim men to commit barbaric acts of murder.

Ok so what God would tempt someone to:

Kill the temple of the Holy Spirt
Committing self murder
They reconize the Ten Laws ??????


New Member
It should be called the "suicidal sexual-dysfunction syndrome" (SSDS).

Fundamental Islamic terrorists and young impressionable recruits are easily controlled through brainwashing techniques that entice them with “promised” rewards of overwhelming sexual gratification in the afterlife; pleasures that they are willing to kill and die for. The basic human sex-drive is one of the most powerful methods of psychological influence that Islamic clerics deliberately use to encourage Muslim men to commit barbaric acts of murder.

Ok so what God would tempt someone to:

Kill the temple of the Holy Spirt
Committing self murder
They reconize the Ten Laws ??????

The Truth? It is the "god of this world" that brings deception and denies the Deity of Christ.

(2 Corinthians, Chapter 4, verses:

1: Therefore seeing we have this ministry, as we have received mercy, we faint not;
2: But have renounced the hidden things of dishonesty, not walking in craftiness, nor handling the word of God deceitfully; but by manifestation of the truth commending ourselves to every man's conscience in the sight of God.
3: But if our gospel be hid, it is hid to them that are lost:
4: In whom the god of this world hath blinded the minds of them which believe not, lest the light of the glorious gospel of Christ, who is the image of God, should shine unto them.
5: For we preach not ourselves, but Christ Jesus the Lord; and ourselves your servants for Jesus' sake.
6: For God, who commanded the light to shine out of darkness, hath shined in our hearts, to give the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ.


New Member
What if the virgins don't want to be with him, he's hairy, smells like camel ass, garlic and armpit, his weenee is well, wee....and thin, and he just killed people who have done nothing to him, even other muslims.