Muslims flee Central African Republic's capital


PREMO Member
Muslims flee Central African Republic's capital

The aid group Medecins Sans Frontieres, or Doctors Without Borders, said Friday that tens of thousands of Muslims have now fled to Chad and Cameroon. The U.N. refugee agency said that almost 9,000 people have fled to Cameroon in the last 10 days, bringing the number of refugees in Cameroon to 22,000 since current began.

"It really is a horrific situation. All over Bangui, entire Muslim neighborhoods are being destroyed and emptied," said Peter Bouckaert, emergencies director for Human Rights Watch, who has gotten trapped Muslims to safety under the guard of peacekeepers.

"Their buildings are being destroyed and being taken apart, brick by brick, roof by roof, to wipe out any sign of their once existence in this country," he added. Hundreds sought refuge at a mosque in Bangui's predominantly Muslim PK5 neighborhood.

But the dangers are not limited to the capital. Entire communities remain trapped in parts of northwest Central African Republic, according to the Medecins Sans Frontieres statement. A Muslim community of more than 8,000 people in Bouar "remains effectively imprisoned, unable to flee the violence."

"We are concerned about the fate of these communities trapped in their villages, surrounded by anti-Balaka groups, and also about the fact that many Muslim families are being forced into exile to survive," said Martine Flokstra, MSF emergency coordinator.

my heart bleds for them, but where is the global concern for Coptic's in Egypt


Well-Known Member
So, where will BHO bring them?


The place MUST lack "diversity."

It must already have an adequate social services program.

It must have a suitable climate...(wait, why did we ship those thousands of Somalis to Maine??)

It must have a sympathetic governor...or reverse that: we need to punish a governor...hmmm.

Hey Jan Brewer!....Guess how many plane loads of pathetic Muslims we are landing in Albuquerque?

Yeah, BHO finds this funny.


PREMO Member
Lynching of Christian man by Muslims is sign of chaos in Central African Republic

As the slaughter unfolded, some of his killers ordered a Washington Post journalist witnessing the attack Sunday to leave. “Allez, allez — go, go, ” one yelled, wagging his arms menacingly.

Stationed nearby was a group of Burundian peacekeepers, ordered by the United Nations to protect civilians. But they didn’t know about the killing until some men — perhaps his killers — brought Pumandele’s mutilated body past them in a wheelbarrow. They dumped his body outside the Red Cross office across from the Burundian base. And just as swiftly, Pumandele was taken to the morgue, adding to the rolls of the dead in Africa’s latest war.


Well-Known Member
my heart bleds for them, but where is the global concern for Coptic's in Egypt

Yup. No concern worldwide for Christians - practicing or not - being massacred and run out of their homes by Islam practicing or not. Just condemnation and outrage against Christians - practicing or not - for retaliating or just defending themselves against Islam - practicing or not.

Two wrongs don't make it right, but just show some international fairness here.:killingme