Muslims & Hindus


Smarter than the average bear
PREMO Member
While in the service of my country I had ample opportunities to travel overseas, 1 trip involved going to several cities in both Pakistan and India. Pakistan was the first stop. Even though the 2 nations are very close they are quite different. When I got into India I had a conversation with a local. He was adamant that I understand that Indians are very peaceful people but that Pakistanis were very violent. Most Indians are Hindu while most Pakistanis are Muslim. He wanted me to understand that it just wasn't a little violent but that they were deeply violent people capable of causing great harm.

While he never mentioned religion, it was hard to miss the parallels in his argument. 1 of his claims that stands out is that Indians eat mostly a diet that consists of vegetables. His stated that vegetarians by their nature of abstaining from meat meant that they avoided killing animals. He claimed that the killing and consuming of meat was what gave the Pakistanis their violent tendencies. I know those 2 countries have been fighting for years over some disputed land in the Kyber pass. I didn't sense any real hatred for Pakistanis from this conversation just a person stating a fact then backing up his belief.

I also remember seeing muslims in London in Speakers Corner. For those of you who aren't familiar with Speakers Corner, it is a section of Hyde Park. Local legend is that the corner has it's roots from the days of capital punishment and death at the gallows. The condemned were able to say their last words before they were killed. Now it's a place where anyone with an agenda and usually a box to stand on or even a step ladder to get high above the crowd. Anyhow I remember in the early 90s seeing young, bearded men touting how Islam was going to conquer the world. I was quite ignorant at the time to what Islam was. I had other things to worry about. But I use to go into the muslim section of London to purchase their sweet desserts like baklava. I never had a problem going into that part of town and didn't give it a 2nd thought heading down there. I bet I'd be shocked if I ever went back to that area and see if it has changed any.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
While he never mentioned religion, it was hard to miss the parallels in his argument. 1 of his claims that stands out is that Indians eat mostly a diet that consists of vegetables. His stated that vegetarians by their nature of abstaining from meat meant that they avoided killing animals. He claimed that the killing and consuming of meat was what gave the Pakistanis their violent tendencies. I know those 2 countries have been fighting for years over some disputed land in the Kyber pass. I didn't sense any real hatred for Pakistanis from this conversation just a person stating a fact then backing up his belief. .

Islam is what it is and says what it says. So, how serious are they to be taken? We, Westerners, have taken Christianity very seriously for many years in terms of literal meaning and how it translates to behavior and we all know we don't take it literally in terms of how we behave towards one another in so far as physical violence in favor of the faith. It is noteworthy how little the left takes Islam seriously by making the excuses of Christians, that we won't take it so literally, while maintaining that Christians in the US, never mind reality, wish to take power and subjugate women, gays and everyone else when that is exactly what fundamentalist Islam is and does.

On another note, do you think it's that simple, that the root of our violence is in our diet?


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
On another note, do you think it's that simple, that the root of our violence is in our diet?

There are a number of people, including my nutty "progressive" cousin, who believe that the chemicals in our food and genetic engineering makes us violent and rots our brains. Basically, the crime rate and dumbing down is all Monsanto's fault. I thought he'd just lost it, but apparently he is not even close to being alone.

It's interesting to note, however, that out of the people I personally know, the smarter ones are those who eat without political agenda. The others only think they're smarter, while spewing their crackpot ideas.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
There are a number of people, including my nutty "progressive" cousin, who believe that the chemicals in our food and genetic engineering makes us violent and rots our brains. Basically, the crime rate and dumbing down is all Monsanto's fault. I thought he'd just lost it, but apparently he is not even close to being alone.

It's interesting to note, however, that out of the people I personally know, the smarter ones are those who eat without political agenda. The others only think they're smarter, while spewing their crackpot ideas.

I'm asking in context of the Indian'Pak thing Mo mentioned. We're not talking now or Monsanto but in general, over time; it seems India hasn't done much attacking of anyone. Unless it's the wife.
I'm asking in context of the Indian'Pak thing Mo mentioned. We're not talking now or Monsanto but in general, over time; it seems India hasn't done much attacking of anyone. Unless it's the wife.
Based on my personal exposure to vegetarians I can say the assumption is false. It is also false that their body odor doesn't "stink" nor does their flatulence... fact is they do stink. It's a different odor than meat eaters but their farts are rotten and they give off odor when sweaty or heated.

As for temper, intolerance and violent tendencies... yep. In my opinion/experience they can be even worse.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
As for temper, intolerance and violent tendencies... yep. In my opinion/experience they can be even worse.

If I had to watch everyone else eat steak and fried chicken while I was nibbling on tofurkey, that would make me pretty grouchy as well.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
It is also false that their body odor doesn't "stink" nor does their flatulence... fact is they do stink. It's a different odor than meat eaters but their farts are rotten and they give off odor when sweaty or heated.

A for detail. D for subject matter. :lol:

Larry Gude

Strung Out
As you can tell I'm pretty unimpressed with folks that tout "how great thou art" because they chose to avoid meat and think it puts them at some level above omnivores. :lol:

Ok, but you're hijacking here. Mo didn't say anything about the Indian being, or claiming to be, holier than thou. He made it pretty clear that Indians see Paks as way more violent and because they're meat eaters.


Smarter than the average bear
PREMO Member
On another note, do you think it's that simple, that the root of our violence is in our diet?

From a NYT article with what has to be the longest paragraph know to mankind.

Nor does scientific research substantiate certain other beliefs about vegetarianism, such as the contention that eating meat promotes an aggressive character while vegetarians are passive or nonaggressive.

veggie diet
Ok, but you're hijacking here. Mo didn't say anything about the Indian being, or claiming to be, holier than thou. He made it pretty clear that Indians see Paks as way more violent and because they're meat eaters.
YOU are the one taking it out of context. You can dwell on the spirituality of herbivore vs. omnivore all day and every day but you'll never have any firm answer. I, on the other hand, gave you my observations on actual characteristics and can assure you that being herbivore does not make one less intolerant, violent or evil.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
YOU are the one taking it out of context. You can dwell on the spirituality of herbivore vs. omnivore all day and every day but you'll never have any firm answer. I, on the other hand, gave you my observations on actual characteristics and can assure you that being herbivore does not make one less intolerant, violent or evil.

I'm not taking it anywhere. I was just asking and you answered vegs are just as violent. Just wanted to clarify that my interest wasn't in any sort of agenda. I'm a LOT more mellow than I sued to be and it's more about less beer than it is meat. I know I get sorta cranky with no chicken or beef. Just curious, based on what he was saying, if anyone else agreed about diet.



Well-Known Member
From what I understand the people in the Kyber pass don't want to be part of India or Pakistan and just want to be left alone.