Muslims protest in Christian nations


Smarter than the average bear
PREMO Member
Hey, let's move somewhere that has better living conditions that the places we left. Then protest that those places don't have the same laws that made our countries intolerable hellholes. So Europe, how's that diversity working out for you. Tolerance is a 2 way street but not to these protesters. It's time to wake up to the realization of these people's agenda.



Smarter than the average bear
PREMO Member

Tit for tat. Christians protesting muslims at the Mall. Ain't that America!

The mall protesters are citizens of the country. They can protest all they want. The muslim protesters in Europe are immigrants. Nobody forced them to go there.

If you don't like your new homeland, feel free to return to where you came from. Migrate and assimilate. It's been going on in this country for centuries.


Well-Known Member
Hey, let's just get a bunch of people together, Christian or not, and go to Iraq or Iran and organize a protest against Islam and muslims. That'll go over big, I'd bet, with safety and freedoms ensured.:sarcasm:
The mall protesters are citizens of the country. They can protest all they want. The muslim protesters in Europe are immigrants. Nobody forced them to go there.

If you don't like your new homeland, feel free to return to where you came from. Migrate and assimilate. It's been going on in this country for centuries.

It's religious intolerance wherever it occurs, and it flies in the face of the principles this country was founded on.


Smarter than the average bear
PREMO Member
It's religious intolerance wherever it occurs, and it flies in the face of the principles this country was founded on.

The original post was the lunacy of foreigners protesting about their host country. If they don't like the way things are in the host country then just return home. See how simple that is? They march and demanding that the host nation and the police of the host nation "Go To Hell".