My Cat is Sick


Beach Patrol

Y'all, I know I don't come here very often, so some of you might not recognize me. But here I am now.

I'm scared. My cat, Darlin, whom I have had since a baby kitty, is 13 years old, and I'm afraid she's really sick. She doesn't appear to be ill at all. She acts fine. Looks healthy otherwise; has a nice coat & eats normal & all that. BUT...She has some serious mole-looking lesions in her ear. She had a huge mole on her left shoulder that was there for about a year, then it 'burst' or something & is now just a scab. She has been losing weight recently, and I fear she has cancer, & she's going to the vet on Nov. 16th.

I don't have pet insurance, and I know I cannot afford the treatment for her, if it is, in fact, cancer. So I'm fighting with should I put her to sleep, or let nature take its course. I don't want to cut her life short because she might get sicker. I had a cat once that had feline leukemia & I had to have him put to sleep & it nearly killed me. But he was really seriously ill; he couldn't eat or drink, he had so many lesions in his mouth & throat - I know I did the right thing by having him put to sleep. That was almost 20 years ago.

I have a dog, too. Trixee is 6 years old, and although she & Darlin aren't the best of friends, Trixee seems to think that Darlin is 'her cat' - which is really very sweet. She's very protective of 'her cat' but still acts like a dog sometimes (chases her through the house wanting to play, etc.) - but they never fight. I'm afraid what Darlin's illness will do to Trixee, too.

Any advice will be appreciated - and really, I just wanted to vent. Thanks y'all.


For humane reasons, if the cat does have cancer, it would be best to put her down. Why let the cat suffer for your selfish needs?

Beach Patrol

Well, because, as I said, she doesn't SEEM to be suffering now. She doesn't act ill, doesn't look ill. And as I said, I would hate to ''cut her life short'' if she DOES have cancer. I mean, I definitely WILL put her to sleep if she starts showing signs that she is feeling sick, etc. Because I know I cannot pay for cancer treatment. But hey... MAYBE it's not cancer at all. Could be something else. Just from what I've read & heard others say from their experience, it does sound like cancer.

And I don't think I'm selfish.


I am so sorry about your Kitty.... Maybe you'll get to the vet and get happy news. Sometimes skin moles, bumps, scabs etc... have noraml everyday causes that won't hurt your baby.


New Member
Maybe a quick shot of steroids would boost her system. If she's losing weight, the steroid could help get her appetite back, maybe recovering from any illness she may have. However, if it is cancer, you would just be prolonging her slow death. I don't think any animal should suffer.


Originally posted by Beach Patrol
And I don't think I'm selfish.

If you keep the cat alive, after you know she has cancer and is suffering, that would be selfish.

That is what I was referring to.

I hope she isn't sick though. Good luck!! :cheers:

Beach Patrol

Originally posted by SxyPrincess
Maybe a quick shot of steroids would boost her system. If she's losing weight, the steroid could help get her appetite back, maybe recovering from any illness she may have. However, if it is cancer, you would just be prolonging her slow death. I don't think any animal should suffer.

She's lost a little weight - not as ''hefty'' as she used to be, but she IS eating - she has a healthy appetite!! believe me!! That cat loves her breakfast & din-din!!

I don't think any animal should suffer either. That's why I definitely WOULD put her to sleep IF SHE IS SUFFERING. Right now she doesn't appear to be suffering at all. Eats, sleeps, acts like a normal 13-year old cat.

Thanks for your response!

Beach Patrol

Originally posted by Kain99
I am so sorry about your Kitty.... Maybe you'll get to the vet and get happy news. Sometimes skin moles, bumps, scabs etc... have noraml everyday causes that won't hurt your baby.

Thank you for your optimism!! - I need that right now!! And you're right.... it could be nothing at all. It's the fact that she has a few in her ear that bothers me. I couldn't get a vet appointment until Nov. 16th! - but no matter WHAT it is, I'll be glad to find out - that way I can either mourn it or rejoice. The ''not-knowing and speculating'' is part of what's driving me crazy here.

Thanks for your response!


My Sweetest Boy
I have 4 cats now and have had several (okay a bazillion) in my lifetime. I have one now who is 13. About a year ago, he started looking really ratty, lost weight but was eating very well...extremely well. He was diagnosed with an overactive thryoid which is very common in older cats. It doesn't cost too much to treat after the initial bloodwork and vet visit. I get my meds through Wal-Mart, rather than the vet and they are much cheaper. The vet gives me a prescription.

Regarding cancer. I had a 17 year old cat that was the love of my life. About 2 years ago, he began losing weight and just didn't look right to me. He was diagnosed with intestinal cancer. The vet said he wasn't really suffering, that he could do surgery and perhaps my cat would have another 6 months, or we could try chemo. I choose to let him go that day. To put him through surgery or the stresses of chemo for only 6 month was something I couldn't bear to do. It's not like a human that understands WHY they have to suffer in order to gain a little more time. It was a terribly sad day, but I know it was the right choice.

Older cats are also prone to diabetes and kidney disease.

Also, cats have a great ability to hide illness. If you suspect something is not right, you are probably correct.

Good luck!


Beach Patrol

Thanks for your response, Cattitude (cute name, by the way! -but why a spider for your picture? just askin! .... I hate spiders! ick!)

Maybe it's NOT cancer! - your post has given me hope that it COULD BE just about anything. I need to wait til we see the vet before I go jumping to conclusions. You've given me hope! Thanks again for your post!


My Sweetest Boy
Originally posted by Beach Patrol
but why a spider for your picture? just askin!

Somebody was messing with us last week and called me an arachnid, just haven't changed it back. :biggrin:

I'm the eternal pessimist so I know it's easy to jump to conclusions. All my babies are getting old. I have a Golden who's 13 1/2, one cat 13, one cat 10, two cats that are 8. My other dog is 5. Oh yeah, I also have a 50 year old otter.:biggrin:

Beach Patrol

Originally posted by cattitude

All my babies are getting old. I have a Golden who's 13 1/2, one cat 13, one cat 10, two cats that are 8. My other dog is 5. Oh yeah, I also have a 50 year old otter.:biggrin:

Wow! You have a real housefull!! I have a dog - she's 6 years old, she is the baby, and knows it! Spoiled rotten! I got my cat when my 1st husband and I divorced. We had her mother - we called her Mama Kitty; she took up residence with us, and started having babies right off the bat!! I never even had the chance to get her spayed, because she kept having kitties!! - but at least we were always able to find the kitties a good home. When Darlin was born, she was in a litter of 8. She was the only one that survived. Mama Kitty had gotten herself under the house somehow & gave birth there. All the kitties were wild, I couldn't get near them. Eventually they all died, mostly by neighborhood dogs. But Darlin survived. When my husband & I split up, he said he wanted to keep Mama Kitty, and I could take the baby. It took a while before Darlin would even come near me, but I kept putting food out for her, & got a little closer every day. I was finally able to pet her as she ate, & eventually pick her up. When I moved out & got my own apartment, she was a source of joy to me! - Really helped me through the divorce. She always slept on the bed on the pillow next to mine, and you know how funny kitties can be!! - She used to get my ink pens & hold them in her mouth like a dog holds a bone, & run around the house with them! I swear, I lost so many ink pens her first 6 months!! And she'd get in the kitchen sink & just sit there - it was too funny! I've had her so long, I just don't know what life would be like without her. I really hope she's not sick, but if she is I will have to deal with it.

Thanks so much for sharing. I enjoyed it!


New Member
I'm sorry to hear that your cat is sick. I know how it feels. My cat Kitty Roo (who we had for 12 years)had a lession on her nose that wouldn't heal. It would scab up and then bleed again and again. We took her to the vet and they said it was a good chance that it was cancer. They said that they could do surgery and try to remove it. She was healthy except for the lession on her nose so we didn't put her through the opperation. We waited to see if she would get sicker and then we would decide if she would have to be put to sleep. About 6 months after this her lession went away and she seemed perfectly happy & healthy for another year and a half. Then one day all of a sudden she was very sick and it was time for the end.

When she was well, we just couldn't see putting her to sleep. I think as long as your cat seems healthy & happy, I wouldn't do anything drastic. Vitamins seemed to help Kitty Roo. Hope your cat doesn't have cancer or anything else serious. But if she does I wouldn't put her to sleep until necessary. JMO

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Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Hi Beach! I'd wait until the cat was actually suffering before I worried about putting her down. If she's happy and seems to be doing fine, she's obviously not suffering.

What I wouldn't do is spend a gob of money on weird treatments, especially with a 13 year old cat. My girlfriend's cat contracted some bizarre blood disorder - the vet gave it two transfusions and some expensive medicine, costing my girlfriend about $2000. The cat died within a week.

It's hard to lose a pet - when I had to put my cat to sleep I cried for days and felt the loss for months. It was awful. Hopefully everything will be okay with your girl.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
What a duh! I didn't even realize that this was an old thread. :roflmao: Hey, BK - tell Beach to come back and tell us what happened with her cat! (Wasn't she your friend?)


Attire Monitor
Originally posted by Beach Patrol
Y'all, I know I don't come here very often, so some of you might not recognize me. But here I am now.

I'm scared. My cat, Darlin, whom I have had since a baby kitty, is 13 years old, and I'm afraid she's really sick. She doesn't appear to be ill at all. She acts fine. Looks healthy otherwise; has a nice coat & eats normal & all that. BUT...She has some serious mole-looking lesions in her ear. She had a huge mole on her left shoulder that was there for about a year, then it 'burst' or something & is now just a scab. She has been losing weight recently, and I fear she has cancer, & she's going to the vet on Nov. 16th.

I don't have pet insurance, and I know I cannot afford the treatment for her, if it is, in fact, cancer. So I'm fighting with should I put her to sleep, or let nature take its course. I don't want to cut her life short because she might get sicker. I had a cat once that had feline leukemia & I had to have him put to sleep & it nearly killed me. But he was really seriously ill; he couldn't eat or drink, he had so many lesions in his mouth & throat - I know I did the right thing by having him put to sleep. That was almost 20 years ago.

I have a dog, too. Trixee is 6 years old, and although she & Darlin aren't the best of friends, Trixee seems to think that Darlin is 'her cat' - which is really very sweet. She's very protective of 'her cat' but still acts like a dog sometimes (chases her through the house wanting to play, etc.) - but they never fight. I'm afraid what Darlin's illness will do to Trixee, too.

Any advice will be appreciated - and really, I just wanted to vent. Thanks y'all.

Hello Sweetheart!!!

How are you?
I miss talking to you! Send me a PM!!!

Sorry about the kitty. I read an article recently about people who own cats and drive SUV's...

So...what are you wearing?


You're all F'in Mad...
Originally posted by vraiblonde
It's hard to lose a pet - when I had to put my cat to sleep I cried for days and felt the loss for months. It was awful. Hopefully everything will be okay with your girl.

When my 10 year old cat died this spring. It was absolutely aweful. I found him at bedtime, thinking he was sleeping on the bed, when he had died on the basement floor. (Heart attack or stroke.) Started digging at 6am, and buried him Friday morning.

Friday and Saturday morning were miserable. I probably became dehydrated through my eyes. So, on Saturday afternoon, we found a new little baby kitten. I miss my black buddy terribly, but the kitten has definitely filled that loss.

So, my recommendation is that if you lose a pet, rather than spending your time grieving over your loss, go find a new little bundle to redirect your love towards. Lots of pets are in need of a good home, and if you're going to feel so sad over your loss, you're better off feeling happy over providing a home to a little pet that needs it.

I hope your situation doesn't come to that.


Well-Known Member
I agree

I agree with Oz....I think it is much easier to get over the loss of a pet if you have a new one to fill up some time. Don't think that the new pet would replace the old one...we know that a pet can never ever be replaced in our hearts...because their personality is never going to be the same (even with cloning). But having a new pet to give attention to will help to fill that empty space. As long as you have a little while to grieve, because I think we all need that time to cope with our loss and find some closure. After a couple days, if you get a new pet, you'll be so busy taking care of it that you won't have time to be depressed. I mean, you'll still be sad, but it won't consume your every thought. I hope everything went alright at the vet appt. Hopefully you won't even worry about having to get another cat because you'll still have Darlin. Sometimes when I lose a pet, I think that I never want to get any new ones because I can't bear to lose them too...but then I think how empty my life would be without them. Not to sound cheesy, but think of the song "I Hope You Dance." There is a line in there that says "Loving might be a mistake, but it's worth making." I think it's true. Okay, well enough of my ranting. Let us know how things went!