My daughters in labor.....


New Member
She had a stressful week and I think this caused her to go into labor. Contractions are 5 min. apart for 2 days now and no dialation. This morning they forced her to dialate 4 cm and broke her water for her. They gave her patossiun. What does the patossiun do? Also the baby has gone to the bathroom ( No.2 ) and I heard this could be bad for the baby if he doesn't come soon. Can anyone give me some good info on this matter?



Well-Known Member
She had a stressful week and I think this caused her to go into labor. Contractions are 5 min. apart for 2 days now and no dialation. This morning they forced her to dialate 4 cm and broke her water for her. They gave her patossiun. What does the patossiun do? Also the baby has gone to the bathroom ( No.2 ) and I heard this could be bad for the baby if he doesn't come soon. Can anyone give me some good info on this matter?


When the baby has been under stress they sometimes go to the bathroom in utero. They will suction out the babies stomach etc... very well to try and remove that from their system.

Pitocin brings on contractions. It will help her contractions become more regular and stronger which will hopefully have the baby out soon.

Congratulations :thewave:


Pea Brain
PREMO Member
Pitocin is administered to induce labor.

It's always bad to swallow your own pooh.


New Member
Thanks everyone. I just got word she just went in for a c section. The medicine did not help her progress. I pray she and baby leo will be safe.

Thanks again


Active Member
WOW!! Obama's birthday, a full moon and a new grandson. Take about coming in 3's. Just joking!!! Congrats on the grandson and hope you get to HUG him soon!!!!!


New Member
Sorry everyone, for those of you who may have missed it, I posted a picture of Baby Leo in another thread. I was so excited, I was not paying attentions. Hes 8lbs 10oz. Big Fat Cheeks. Hehehehehehe


Sorry everyone, for those of you who may have missed it, I posted a picture of Baby Leo in another thread. I was so excited, I was not paying attentions. Hes 8lbs 10oz. Big Fat Cheeks. Hehehehehehe

Congrats, Grandma! He's a cutie. So glad everything went well for your daughter during the delivery. Enjoy him - they grow so quick! :yahoo: