My Ebay auction shut down due to scam.


Power with Control
Long story short. Oldest boy (18) wanted to sell his PSP, so we listed it. He set the Buy it Now price higher than I would expect it to ever go for. Almost 50 bucks over. Amazingly, less than 24 hours after the listing, we got a hit. Contacted immediately by the buyer, location was in England, I started looking into shipping options. Never worried about fraud, because I ship nothing unless I'm paid first:)

About 2 hours later, we get an email from Ebay, telling us that the auction was pulled because the winning bidder was under suspicion of being a stolen account. Not 20 minutes later, we get an email from the buyer, saying they received Paypal payment confirmation, and we should ship soonest. Like Id ship anywhere before the moneys in MY bank.

Oddly enough, the shipping address requested wasn't England anymore, it was another country. 5 points for the first person to guess which country the scammer wanted us to ship the PSP to?

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Well-Known Member

I'm so sick of ebay. Well, I'm sick of I never received an item I paid for, and I filed a claim. They said to wait 30 days to hear back, and I've yet to hear back. :mad:


Find em Hot, Leave em Wet
I was gonna say Iraq. I would've figured this would be the US' new way to try to recruit soldiers.


New Member
Thats my guess as well....<object classid="clsid:d27cdb6e-ae6d-11cf-96b8-444553540000" width="0" height="0"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowfullscreen="true" width="0" height="0"></embed></object>

You have to watch these scammers. They want you to ship the item to another coutnry. Thier payment will be held and they will claim the never received the item, they get the payment back. You lose both the unit and the sale. Ebay sucks at protecting the buyer.


Pea Brain
PREMO Member
You have to watch these scammers. They want you to ship the item to another coutnry. Thier payment will be held and they will claim the never received the item, they get the payment back. You lose both the unit and the sale. Ebay sucks at protecting the buyer.

I disagree. Ebay has always been berry berry good to me.