My Garden is the Bermuda Rectangle



There are weird things amiss in my garden.

First, I have been working in the garden every evening now; getting leaves out, and preparing the soil. I keep digging up little snakes, and while snakes don't bother me, I think there is a society of them in my garden! I manage to find one or two every day, and toss him out in the woods. I looked them up to make sure they weren't poisonous. Looks like they are burrowing Eastern Worm snakes. Totally harmless; kind of cute. Brown on the back, with a pink belly. Anybody else find these critters in their garden? I wish they'd get after my moles.

Since this is the first year I've used the old garden plot to plant...I have also been finding ink pens. I kid you not, I've found at least 25-30 ink pens buried in the soil. (Its just a meager 30 x 15 plot) Mostly cheap, PaperMates, Bics, highlighters, sharpies a few felt tip pens, but there are a few decent ones in there too. For the life of me I can't figure out how all these ink pens got into the garden. Maybe its like the Bermuda Triangle ....where ships and planes disappear... If you've lost an ink pen...chances are, my garden is where its gone! :lmao:
My only guess is, the previous owner had kids who thought it would be funny to throw all of Mom's pens in the garden? It is truly perplexing!

Also, whilst in the garden today... I kept smelling baby powder...or some sort of perfumed talcum powder smell. It was truly bizarre. There was no one around but me, and woods surrounding me. It was kind of creepy, to be honest. I thought it was an aromatic tree or plant nearby. But the only thing I have nearby is 3 apple trees in full bloom (they are so beautiful!) I took a whiff and they weren't the culprit. So I go in the house for some ice tea, and go back out a few minutes later... no smell. It is very odd.

Garden is probably haunted or something. LOL Just hope it doesn't spoil my veggies. Ghosts can do w/e...just don't taint the taters! :biggrin:

I have quite a few of the worm snakes too. Not sure what they eat, never looked into it. I just figured if the soil was good enough to support them and real worms, I wasn't going to worry about it.


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PREMO Member
I have quite a few of the worm snakes too. Not sure what they eat, never looked into it. I just figured if the soil was good enough to support them and real worms, I wasn't going to worry about it.

They're in my gardens too.
They feed almost exclusively on earthworms, although other small slender prey such as salamanders, fly larvae and slugs are occasionally taken.