My Hurricane pics


Hurricane Isabel

Warning to all - DO NOT take your film to the CVS by Buck Hewitts Road any time soon. One hour photo is taking a day and they are rushing. 1/2 my prints are f'ed up and when they transfer them on a disc, the f'ed them all up too:burning: :burning: :burning: Any of course they still charge you for ONE HOUR!

I just ordered me a digital this morning :biggrin:


But wait, there's more...
Great Pics Jameo ... loved the sunset ones, and precious sleeping :biggrin: ... the damage to the yard and truck are too bad :frown: and I can't believe solomons ... the pier ... :frown: I didn't know it got THAT bad down there. I figured the water levels would be pretty high, but didn't think it'd be THAT high. :ohwell:

jazz lady

~*~ Rara Avis ~*~
PREMO Member
Great shots, Jameo!

But I feel really sorry for poor Francis and Eddie, whoever they are. :frown:


Ghetto Fabulous
Originally posted by jazz lady
Great shots, Jameo!

But I feel really sorry for poor Francis and Eddie, whoever they are. :frown:

:yeahthat:Love the before pics, Jameo! Thank you!


My Sweetest Boy
Thanks! When I got to the one of Stoneys, I said out loud "OH MY GOD!!" Two people came out of their offices to what was wrong....

Couldn't believe Stoneys...was just there the Friday before.:bawl:


Bunky's had 6 inches of water inside. Stoney's won't be open for probably 2 or 3 months is what I heard the other day. :frown: Guess everyone is gonna have crab cake withdraws until then.


My Sweetest Boy
Originally posted by Jameo
Bunky's had 6 inches of water inside. Stoney's won't be open for probably 2 or 3 months is what I heard the other day. :frown: Guess everyone is gonna have crab cake withdraws until then.

Well, they have the one in Prince Frederick. Wonder about the original one on Broomes Island. My sister tried to get down there and all she could see was water before she even got to Oyster House Road.


New Member
I live off N sandgates in mechanicsville and sitting in my drive is a 2002 Dodge Caravan w/ a 1 ton tree on it, and in it, of course totaled, when I get my pics i will share. But most of the residents of St. Marys County have drove by taking pic's.



New Member
Originally posted by lfquade
I live off N sandgates in mechanicsville and sitting in my drive is a 2002 Dodge Caravan w/ a 1 ton tree on it, and in it, of course totaled, when I get my pics i will share. But most of the residents of St. Marys County have drove by taking pic's.


:poorbaby: Sorry about your loss. If it makes you feel any better, I stayed at a Holiday Inn Expresss last night. :dance:


New Member
Originally posted by SxyPrincess
:poorbaby: Sorry about your loss. If it makes you feel any better, I stayed at a Holiday Inn Expresss last night. :dance:

Makes me feel a little better but try having 4 small kids youngest 1 month old and not having electric and on top of that not being able to leave because your van is smushed by a tree. Really sucks. :burning:


American Beauty
PREMO Member
Originally posted by lfquade
I live off N sandgates in mechanicsville and sitting in my drive is a 2002 Dodge Caravan w/ a 1 ton tree on it, and in it, of course totaled, when I get my pics i will share. But most of the residents of St. Marys County have drove by taking pic's.

Did you take any pictures of the Seabreeze? I heard it was totally flooded out.


New Member
Originally posted by RoseRed
Did you take any pictures of the Seabreeze? I heard it was totally flooded out.

And how would you have liked me to take pics when I couldnt get out my house? LOL Joking



New Member
Originally posted by lfquade
Makes me feel a little better but try having 4 small kids youngest 1 month old and not having electric and on top of that not being able to leave because your van is smushed by a tree. Really sucks. :burning:
But you must have electric now 'cause you're posting.

You getting a rental vehicle soon? Good luck to you! :cheers:


New Member
Originally posted by SxyPrincess
But you must have electric now 'cause you're posting.

You getting a rental vehicle soon? Good luck to you! :cheers:

Yes have electric and phone was fixed today.

Nope no rental insurance doesnt cover it....:mad:

Thanxs for the luck need it..