My man Cohen again...

Larry Gude

Strung Out
...regulars around here know of my interest in Richard Cohen, he of the Washington Post professional scolders without answers page, aka the editorials.


Richard is fighting his conscience again. Today it is in the literary vehicle of Saddam's trial; like the war, chaotic, meaningless, endless, ya da ya. You see, Cohen was all for the Iraq invasion back in 2003. He understood, and said so, the words in the Iraq War Resolution; that, everything boiled down, now would be a good time to rid the world of Saddam Hussein. Kerry understood then as did a good many on both sides of the aisle.

Then, many of them set the resolution aside and jumped on board the Michael Moore/Moveon/DU/US far left/Dean Express to moral forfeiture. It was the cool thing to do; Bush lied. We hate Bush. No blood for oil. Damn we hate Bush. No wmd. We SO hate Bush.

Now, with many of the same people deriding Bushs' 'war of choice' clamoring for action in Darfur, which is presumably a choice as well, Richard has taken to his column to relieve his mind.

I suppose that this was all inevitable; take the time between election cycles to attack your political opponent and then get serious once voting time comes back around.

Richard now, conveniently, notes that Moore never mentioned the actual evil of Saddam in his movie. Of course, that it never mentioned it was also the case at the time, but, was merely ignored, it seems, as a reflection of the anti Bush chic of our time; who cares who the actual bad guys are as long as we're attacking Bush.

So, chicken roosting time is coming. Those who have spent ALL of their intelectual energy exorciating Bush's every move for the last three years are now thinking about what to say if voters ask for a solution to go along with such high minded critiques.

The first step would be the obvious; admit we didn't invade the Middle Easts version of Switzerland. Cohen actually says this and he says it in the context that anyone new to the issue like, say, voters just starting to tune in, and listening to the lefts revulsion of what we're doing in Iraq would think we had invaded Switzerland.

So, be prepared to hear a bunch of really mean things about Saddam for awhile. Don't worry; they still hate Bush. They just gotta focus on the real bad guys for awhile.

In case it comes up.