My ovaries have failed me


Throwing the deuces
Got a letter today saying that I have Premature Ovarian Failure. It's like menopause but for young people. I am planning on googling it to find out the facts but was curious if anyone on here has/had it and what your experience is. Personally, for the last year, I've thought not having a period was great!! But my husband was convinced that I must have a tumor that is convincing my body that I was pregnant and I'd be dead in six months. I humored him and went to the doctor and now I find this out. I called him up and told him that my ovaries failed me. We both burst out laughing.


Got a letter today saying that I have Premature Ovarian Failure. It's like menopause but for young people. I am planning on googling it to find out the facts but was curious if anyone on here has/had it and what your experience is. Personally, for the last year, I've thought not having a period was great!! But my husband was convinced that I must have a tumor that is convincing my body that I was pregnant and I'd be dead in six months. I humored him and went to the doctor and now I find this out. I called him up and told him that my ovaries failed me. We both burst out laughing.


I over heard him on the phone, "OMG!! Really!!?? OMG!" and then he busted out laughing.


Throwing the deuces
Ok, that was easy. It says that I ran out of eggs. Instead of having enough eggs to last me until I'm 50 when normal menopause happens, I ran out early. There is even a freaking support group for it. Granted, I can understand if this happens when you are in your late teen or early 20's (which apparently happens) and you haven't had any kids but I am 37 and have two kids (all I wanted so no disappointment there plus hubby got fixed 4 yrs ago to make sure that's all we'd have) and I don't have the curse any longer. I need to celebrate, not commiserate. :starcat:


Ok, that was easy. It says that I ran out of eggs. Instead of having enough eggs to last me until I'm 50 when normal menopause happens, I ran out early. There is even a freaking support group for it. Granted, I can understand if this happens when you are in your late teen or early 20's (which apparently happens) and you haven't had any kids but I am 37 and have two kids (all I wanted so no disappointment there plus hubby got fixed 4 yrs ago to make sure that's all we'd have) and I don't have the curse any longer. I need to celebrate, not commiserate. :starcat:

I wish my ovaries would fail me :ohwell:


Ok, that was easy. It says that I ran out of eggs. Instead of having enough eggs to last me until I'm 50 when normal menopause happens, I ran out early. There is even a freaking support group for it. Granted, I can understand if this happens when you are in your late teen or early 20's (which apparently happens) and you haven't had any kids but I am 37 and have two kids (all I wanted so no disappointment there plus hubby got fixed 4 yrs ago to make sure that's all we'd have) and I don't have the curse any longer. I need to celebrate, not commiserate. :starcat:

Some girls have all the luck. :burning:


Throwing the deuces
I don't know how to quote more than one person but the last few posts are funny. I am sure there is a down-side to it but for the last year, I haven't seen any! It says you may have a decreased sex drive and since mine was practically zero to begin with, I don't think I have to worry about this side effect either. Heck, the up side is now I can say "Sorry, hubby, but you know I have POF." when I tell him "no" when he comes calling. This diagnosis is getting better and better!!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
I don't know how to quote more than one person but the last few posts are funny. I am sure there is a down-side to it but for the last year, I haven't seen any! It says you may have a decreased sex drive and since mine was practically zero to begin with, I don't think I have to worry about this side effect either.
Give hubby my condolences.

Heck, the up side is now I can say "Sorry, hubby, but you know I have POF." when I tell him "no" when he comes calling. This diagnosis is getting better and better!!!!!!!

That made me laugh though :yay:


I don't know how to quote more than one person but the last few posts are funny. I am sure there is a down-side to it but for the last year, I haven't seen any! It says you may have a decreased sex drive and since mine was practically zero to begin with, I don't think I have to worry about this side effect either. Heck, the up side is now I can say "Sorry, hubby, but you know I have POF." when I tell him "no" when he comes calling. This diagnosis is getting better and better!!!!!!!

I'll have to remember that. My husband has no way of proving it right?


I wanna be a SMIB
cograts to you on the loss of your "little friend". Isnt that what they used to call it. I always called it a PITA. :lmao:


New Member
My sister was diagnosed at age 24 and cannot have kids because of it. The younger you are when it happens the more issues you will have later.


Throwing the deuces
My sister was diagnosed at age 24 and cannot have kids because of it. The younger you are when it happens the more issues you will have later.

I feel bad for those who it effects at a young age. It must be very heart-breaking to want kids but your body decides otherwise. But like I said, I am 37 and have the two kids I always wanted so it's a blessing not to have to worry about getting periods anymore.

Is your sister a member of this?

What type of issues is she having besides not being able to have kids? You can PM me if you don't want to discusss in the open. I am curious about the diagnosis as it's all new to me.