My Song For The Day


Up. Identified. Lase. Fire. On the way.

Tears every time I hear it.

Love the artist, love the song.

One of the most meaningful songs I've ever heard.

--- End of line (MCP)


Well-Known Member

Tears every time I hear it.

Love the artist, love the song.

One of the most meaningful songs I've ever heard.

--- End of line (MCP)

Lincoln, JFK, RFK, MLK were assassinated because they were not part of the agenda. RIP

I was 13 in 1968. But, because of my parents I was informed early on. Happy Flag Day and God Bless the USA. :patriot:

What a complete piece of crap LBJ was, and I do believe he was behind the assassinations. Keep ‘em on the plantation and all. I know the Kennedy’s were not pure as the driven snow, but it is so obvious. Come on y’all. Oswald was a Marine, but booted out because he couldn’t hit a target.
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