My uncle passed away today


New Member
I had been caring for him for the past 6 months in my home, he was 53 years old and had one leg amputated due to blood clots and still had a blood clot in his lungs. We found out about a month ago, he also had lung cancer, they gave him 3 months to live at that time. I dont know whether it is fortunate or unfortunate that he did not make it the full 3 months after seeing the agony he was in.

I guess it happened here today in my home around 3:00 or so. It was so sad and magical all at the same time. His suffering has finally ended!

I believe what finally killed him was the blood clots. I believe they broke off in his lungs and stopped his ability to breath. I also believe an angel or spirit visited him last night. He told us this morning that "I dont need this oxygen thing in my nose anymore to breath, remember they came last night and cut a hole in it and told me I could breath just fine?" I believe some sort of spirit came and told him that if he came with them, he would not need the oxygen to breath and he didnt believe them so they cut a whole in his oxygen tube as proof (ofcourse there was no hole but he believed there was)

He asked for my mom and we were trying to get him to eat because we did not think this was the end. Hospice came in and said they did not think it would be today but a matter of a few days or weeks.

We all left the room and heard 2 loud knocks on the wall (that was the way he notified us when he needed us) he was gasping for air. I gave him 3 morophine shots under his tongue to help his breathing and he just laid back. The entire time he had this blank stare on his face almost like he was alive and breathing but he was not there. I honestly know what they mean when they say their bodies are there, they are breathing their hearts are beating but there is nothing there. It was like he was just about gone.

I did not realize the importance of telling him he could go as hospice had informed us before. I didnt know if I could do it either. I grabbed his hand and told him "you dont have to keep trying to breath so hard, you can go, we will be alright, you go and be happy and healthy" he was unresponsive still at this point and his breaths were so labored. My grandmother hugged and kissed him goodbye, my mother told him she loved him and that she would take care of his adult son. He was still hanging on and breathing very deep but few and far between. Everyone left the room but my husband and I. My husband came and told him "It is ok to go Bully (thats what we called him) I will take care of these women, they will be ok, I will make sure of it" A few minutes, maybe 3 passed and after that, he stopped breathing all together.

It was very hard. Although I got very angry at God last night and begged him to take him, and told him that he was not supposed to work this way by allowing him to suffer and to please take him, it was still a shock!

I got to that point w/ wanting him to go yesterday not due to the cancer. It was one thing for him to know that cancer was eating him up inside but he did not have to see it, but his one good foot was turning completely black w/ blisters all over it due to no circulation and gangrene was setting in and his amputated leg was also blue above the knee almost to his hip. That was the hardest part for me, knowing that everyday he had to look at that eating away at him. The cancer was invisible to us all, but his legs made it very real.

Its so amazing to me, that the simple words of "its ok to go" allows someone to pass on. Its amazing to me, that I had the power of ending his pain by saying them. Its amazing to me, that God answered my prayers and stopped his suffering and allowed an angel or spirit or whatever, to come to him, and let him know that he was going to be ok and that he would be free to breath on his own. I feel so sad right now, but I know he is in a better place and that he is somewhere with 2 legs, free of cancer and blood clots.

Thank you for allowing me to share my story with you. Please keep my family in your prayers!



Football addict
I'm both sorry and glad to hear about your uncle Sinwagon. Sorry for obvious reasons and glad for the cease of his pain and suffering. I have really never had to deal with death in my life to date. I have only had two people die that were close to me in some way that being my uncle and great grandmother. My uncle died when I was very young so that did not have any effect on me but I do wish I could have met him, everyone tells me I am so much like him in appearance and personality. I knew my great grandmother for a longer amount of time. She lived up high in the mountains of Pennsylvania so we would visit a few times a year. She eventually was put in a nursing home where she lived out her final years. Her funeral was the only one I have ever been to. I was not really close to her and it was very weird seeing someone in a coffin for the first time. Oddly enough I was not saddened by this. However, the thing that did make me upset was my grandmother. This was her mother in the parlor and I really hated seeing my grandmother upset. She is the type of person to not harm a fly, literally.

I know I have much hardship to face in the future in family deaths being that almost everyone in my family is still alive and ageing. I don't know how I will deal with this yet and I don't think I will ever hypothesize how I will deal with it until it actually happens.

I bet you feel a little less stress after pouring out your emotions into words, I know I do. My thoughts are with you and thanks for sharing your story.

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I am so very blessed
Sinwagon - I am so sorry for your loss. My thoughts are with you and your family. XOXO


Well-Known Member
Sinwagon. I understand how you feel. A profound sense of loss but relief that their pain and suffering is over. I was with my father two years ago when he died of cancer. Not easy but I would not have wanted to be anywhere else. It will take some time for you feel better but it will happen. Don't be afraid to talk to people about it. I will help.


New Member
Sinwagon, My deepest sympathy goes out to you and your family...I know exactly how u feel..just know that your uncle is in a better place and he is no longer suffering and in pain...I just lost my great aunt whom me and my sister was taking care of who had a brain tumor and lost her battle with cancer last month. I lost my mom a year ago to lung cancer also...So just know that you are not alone and that there are many support groups out there that can help you thru this troubled time...Hospice Nurses are wonderful angels sent by god that can help you. I just want to leave you with a poem that helped me thru my struggles with the death of my mom and aunt, two beautiful strong women in my family.


When I come to end of the road
And the sun has set for me,
I want no rites in a gloom-filled room,
Why cry for a soul set free?
Miss me a little - but not too long,
And not with your head bowed low.
Remember the love that we once shared,

Miss me - but let me go.
For this is a journey that we all must take,
And each much go alone.
It's all a part of the Master's plan.
A step on the road to home.
When you are lonely and sick at heart.
Go to the friends we know.
Laugh at the things we use to do,

Miss me - but let me go.


New Member
Hasnaa- I just wanted to let you know how helpful that poem was! It was so fitting especially since we had to tell him to let go and that it was ok for him to go. It meant so much to me that I had the preacher read it at the service. I also had him read something I had written about my uncle and his personality. I dont like when the preachers just talk about them like they knew them and everyone thought the poem was a great way to let go and that my words that I wrote about my uncle were very fitting!

I also had the preacher state "this is a poem which was sent to Christy by a friend"

I was not sure if you wrote it or if someone else did and I did not want to take credit for writing it.

Thank you, I keep reading those words over and over because they help me to remember why we told him it was ok to go in the first place!



33 yrs & we r still n luv
sinwagon said:
I had been caring for him for the past 6 months in my home, he was 53 years old and had one leg amputated due to blood clots and still had a blood clot in his lungs. We found out about a month ago, he also had lung cancer, they gave him 3 months to live at that time. I dont know whether it is fortunate or unfortunate that he did not make it the full 3 months after seeing the agony he was in.

I guess it happened here today in my home around 3:00 or so. It was so sad and magical all at the same time. His suffering has finally ended!

I believe what finally killed him was the blood clots. I believe they broke off in his lungs and stopped his ability to breath. I also believe an angel or spirit visited him last night. He told us this morning that "I dont need this oxygen thing in my nose anymore to breath, remember they came last night and cut a hole in it and told me I could breath just fine?" I believe some sort of spirit came and told him that if he came with them, he would not need the oxygen to breath and he didnt believe them so they cut a whole in his oxygen tube as proof (ofcourse there was no hole but he believed there was)

He asked for my mom and we were trying to get him to eat because we did not think this was the end. Hospice came in and said they did not think it would be today but a matter of a few days or weeks.

We all left the room and heard 2 loud knocks on the wall (that was the way he notified us when he needed us) he was gasping for air. I gave him 3 morophine shots under his tongue to help his breathing and he just laid back. The entire time he had this blank stare on his face almost like he was alive and breathing but he was not there. I honestly know what they mean when they say their bodies are there, they are breathing their hearts are beating but there is nothing there. It was like he was just about gone.

I did not realize the importance of telling him he could go as hospice had informed us before. I didnt know if I could do it either. I grabbed his hand and told him "you dont have to keep trying to breath so hard, you can go, we will be alright, you go and be happy and healthy" he was unresponsive still at this point and his breaths were so labored. My grandmother hugged and kissed him goodbye, my mother told him she loved him and that she would take care of his adult son. He was still hanging on and breathing very deep but few and far between. Everyone left the room but my husband and I. My husband came and told him "It is ok to go Bully (thats what we called him) I will take care of these women, they will be ok, I will make sure of it" A few minutes, maybe 3 passed and after that, he stopped breathing all together.

It was very hard. Although I got very angry at God last night and begged him to take him, and told him that he was not supposed to work this way by allowing him to suffer and to please take him, it was still a shock!

I got to that point w/ wanting him to go yesterday not due to the cancer. It was one thing for him to know that cancer was eating him up inside but he did not have to see it, but his one good foot was turning completely black w/ blisters all over it due to no circulation and gangrene was setting in and his amputated leg was also blue above the knee almost to his hip. That was the hardest part for me, knowing that everyday he had to look at that eating away at him. The cancer was invisible to us all, but his legs made it very real.

Its so amazing to me, that the simple words of "its ok to go" allows someone to pass on. Its amazing to me, that I had the power of ending his pain by saying them. Its amazing to me, that God answered my prayers and stopped his suffering and allowed an angel or spirit or whatever, to come to him, and let him know that he was going to be ok and that he would be free to breath on his own. I feel so sad right now, but I know he is in a better place and that he is somewhere with 2 legs, free of cancer and blood clots.

Thank you for allowing me to share my story with you. Please keep my family in your prayers!

11 almost 12 years ago I took care of my mother for her last 6 months (lung cancer) . I took her and my father (who I was estranged from) into my home for her last month. She died in my arms in my home. I too, told her it was ok to go when the time came. I have never regretted it. She was not only my mother but my BEST friend. I miss her to this day.

Christy-your a wonderful person. I am sorry for your loss. Keep the love flowing-you'll never be sorry. Bless you.


New Member
sinwagon said:
Hasnaa- I just wanted to let you know how helpful that poem was! It was so fitting especially since we had to tell him to let go and that it was ok for him to go. It meant so much to me that I had the preacher read it at the service. I also had him read something I had written about my uncle and his personality. I dont like when the preachers just talk about them like they knew them and everyone thought the poem was a great way to let go and that my words that I wrote about my uncle were very fitting!

I also had the preacher state "this is a poem which was sent to Christy by a friend"

I was not sure if you wrote it or if someone else did and I did not want to take credit for writing it.

Thank you, I keep reading those words over and over because they help me to remember why we told him it was ok to go in the first place!


Christy I am so happy to hear that the poem has touched your heart as it did mine. I did not write the poem and don't know who the author is but it was given to my family in a card when my mom passed and was also read at her funeral. Although we may not know each other personally just know that I am a friend and I have you and your family in my prayers. You take good care of yourself.


I am very sorry to hear about your grandfather. Your situation really touches me considering I could have been in his same situation. I was diagnosed with osteogenic sarcoma at 14. I had it in my right leg. IT left me terrified..thinking every day I was going to die. I went through 17 chemotherapy treatments and two surgeries on my leg. Thank God 5 years later I am still here. God has a plan for all of us. He had/has a plan for your grandfather and he has a plan for me. I am not quite sure what that is yet. But, I am glad that your grandfather is in a better place and not suffering with disease. I will keep you and your family in my thoughts.


American Beauty
PREMO Member
nitwhit3286 said:
I am very sorry to hear about your grandfather. Your situation really touches me considering I could have been in his same situation. I was diagnosed with osteogenic sarcoma at 14. I had it in my right leg. IT left me terrified..thinking every day I was going to die. I went through 17 chemotherapy treatments and two surgeries on my leg. Thank God 5 years later I am still here. God has a plan for all of us. He had/has a plan for your grandfather and he has a plan for me. I am not quite sure what that is yet. But, I am glad that your grandfather is in a better place and not suffering with disease. I will keep you and your family in my thoughts.

Did you happen to notice the date?


Good point I guess I have grandfather on the mind because someone was emailing me about their grandfather...and no I didn't notice the date at makes me look stupid..but hey at least I tried... :)


New Member
nitwhit3286 said:
Good point I guess I have grandfather on the mind because someone was emailing me about their grandfather...and no I didn't notice the date at makes me look stupid..but hey at least I tried... :)

No, you looked stupid before :duh: