My Urgent Warning To All Americans


Well-Known Member
Hard to imagine she was ever a democrat.
I thought that when she was a democrat, she seems to have way more sense than a democrat. Lot of people dislike her and admittedly, I don't agree with alot of her positions but she certainly appears to be all in for Trump in this election. Perhaps she's playing the long game looking forward to a 2028 run.


the poor dad
I’ve liked Tulsi from the very beginning of her exit from the democrat party, but of course there were many on this forum that said a zebra doesn’t change its stripes, or something like that. I just had the feeling about her and so far she has proven me right.


Well-Known Member
I don't believe the founders ever thought we would have a political party so determined to gain power that they would open our borders to gain voters. That they would lie and cheat to allow these illegal voters votes to be counted. That hey would attempt to close down the third branch of our government by filling the Supreme with however the number of liberals to take it over. That they would cheat and destroy the election process.

Well: Maybe the founders did have that thought. They gave us the 2nd Amendment so that WE could stop that party.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
I don't really like anyone who was all about the TDS. And that goes for JD Vance as well. It just seems so brainwashed and reckless and ignorant. Anyone with half a brain knew the MSM was lying and selectively editing, so how the hell did Vance and Tulsi and Greg and all of them fall for it? And Rush Limbaugh! He used to say on his show all the time that Trump was in cahoots with David Duke.

I don't really get how these politicians can rip each other to shreds - just terrible stuff - and then be all buddy buddy two minutes later. Even Trump does it. If anyone said sh*t like that about me I'd never ever forget it, and I'd certainly never trust them.


Well-Known Member
I don't really like anyone who was all about the TDS. And that goes for JD Vance as well. It just seems so brainwashed and reckless and ignorant. Anyone with half a brain knew the MSM was lying and selectively editing, so how the hell did Vance and Tulsi and Greg and all of them fall for it? And Rush Limbaugh! He used to say on his show all the time that Trump was in cahoots with David Duke.

I don't really get how these politicians can rip each other to shreds - just terrible stuff - and then be all buddy buddy two minutes later. Even Trump does it. If anyone said sh*t like that about me I'd never ever forget it, and I'd certainly never trust them.
Let me help you. It's easy, because not one of them has the true principles they advertise.
They are not into politics to help you and me, or America. They are in it to help themselves.
Politics is a game. They want things passed, they need each other.

So one day they call a guy a Commie and the next day they call him a Patriot.
It's all a part of the most ridiculous game called politics.


Well-Known Member
They are not into politics to help you and me, or America. They are in it to help themselves.
Let me help you. It's easy, because not one of them has the true principles they advertise.
They are not into politics to help you and me, or America. They are in it to help themselves.
Politics is a game. They want things passed, they need each other.

So one day they call a guy a Commie and the next day they call him a Patriot.
It's all a part of the most ridiculous game called politics.
They are not into politics to help you and me, or America. They are in it to help themselves. 100% TRUTH!!


If I may ...
For your consideration ...

I don't believe the founders ever thought we would have a political party so determined to gain power that they would open our borders to gain voters. That they would lie and cheat to allow these illegal voters votes to be counted. That hey would attempt to close down the third branch of our government by filling the Supreme with however the number of liberals to take it over. That they would cheat and destroy the election process.

Well: Maybe the founders did have that thought. They gave us the 2nd Amendment so that WE could stop that party.

This is what they were worried about .....

“A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself. For the traitor appears not a traitor; he speaks in accents familiar to his victims, and he wears their face and their arguments, he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation, he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of the city, he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to fear.” ― Taylor Caldwell

There are to many high level people with no patriotism nor allegiance to this Nation, that have infiltrated our government. Technically, they may be considered American citizens, and therefor "traitors", but what they actually are, are spies. Intruders, invaders, counterspies, double agents, moles. Whose sole purpose is to destroy, decimate, divide, and financially and economically rape this Nation and its people. All this for the profit of another country, and becasue they hate us, and every other western Nation/Country.


PREMO Member
There are to many high level people with no patriotism nor allegiance to this Nation, that have infiltrated our government. Technically, they may be considered American citizens, and therefor "traitors", but what they actually are, are spies. Intruders, invaders, counterspies, double agents, moles. Whose sole purpose is to destroy, decimate, divide, and financially and economically rape this Nation and its people. All this for the profit of another country, and becasue they hate us, and every other western Nation/Country.

People who are embarrassed by American Exceptionalism, riches, being on top of the Global Stage ...

expecting to rule in the Socialist Utopia in the Marxist aftermath, not realizing they will be in the 1st groups up against the wall in the after math


Well-Known Member
People who are embarrassed by American Exceptionalism, riches, being on top of the Global Stage ...

expecting to rule in the Socialist Utopia in the Marxist aftermath, not realizing they will be in the 1st groups up against the wall in the after math


Well-Known Member
For your consideration ...

This is what they were worried about .....

“A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself. For the traitor appears not a traitor; he speaks in accents familiar to his victims, and he wears their face and their arguments, he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation, he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of the city, he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to fear.” ― Taylor Caldwell

There are to many high level people with no patriotism nor allegiance to this Nation, that have infiltrated our government. Technically, they may be considered American citizens, and therefor "traitors", but what they actually are, are spies. Intruders, invaders, counterspies, double agents, moles. Whose sole purpose is to destroy, decimate, divide, and financially and economically rape this Nation and its people. All this for the profit of another country, and becasue they hate us, and every other western Nation/Country.
The first paragraph describes John Kerry to a T. His band aid wounds to escape Viet nam ,and then he met with the Vietnamese in Paris to work against America. He has done the same thing meeting with Iranians to work against America. He has violated the Logan act more than once and nothing is done. IMO he makes AAron Burr look like a Patriot. I want to toss my cookies every time I see or hear this gigolo mother humper.


Well-Known Member
I don't really get how these politicians can rip each other to shreds - just terrible stuff - and then be all buddy buddy two minutes later. Even Trump does it. If anyone said sh*t like that about me I'd never ever forget it, and I'd certainly never trust them.

Because I think politics is like international relations - you do NOT have *friends*. You have allies. As long as your mutual interests align, you can work together. That's not a bad thing - my son's mentors and teachers are my allies in his growth - but they're not my buddies and I don't have to actually even LIKE them. But we have the same goal.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Because I think politics is like international relations - you do NOT have *friends*. You have allies. As long as your mutual interests align, you can work together. That's not a bad thing - my son's mentors and teachers are my allies in his growth - but they're not my buddies and I don't have to actually even LIKE them. But we have the same goal.

Right, but they're not on national TV calling you a bunch of nasty names and accusing you of crimes.