Mysterious Horse Deaths Raise Theories About UFOs


staring into the abyss
Good grief. Break out the tinfoil hats. The Gub-ment or them aliemz are hacking up livestock, because I saw me a helicopter, and then my TV flickered and I woke up in a pool of tequila! DAS-TARD-LY goings on.

Honestly, an intelligent species travels billions of miles, arrives at our planet and then... cuts the lips off a cow? Tramples corn into pretty shapes? Shoves whatsits up your nethers? Why not just kidnap a herd of cows or a dozen people and be done with it? Seems a lot less work, and given that thousands of people vaninsh each year, tis a lot less likely to raise attention. But no, us oh-so-brainy aliens are going to prod your back door, cut bits off your cows (what, the butcher shop closed?) and vanish until next month, when we'll do the same thing across the county line.


New Member
tirdun said:
Good grief. Break out the tinfoil hats. The Gub-ment or them aliemz are hacking up livestock, because I saw me a helicopter, and then my TV flickered and I woke up in a pool of tequila! DAS-TARD-LY goings on.

Honestly, an intelligent species travels billions of miles, arrives at our planet and then... cuts the lips off a cow? Tramples corn into pretty shapes? Shoves whatsits up your nethers? Why not just kidnap a herd of cows or a dozen people and be done with it? Seems a lot less work, and given that thousands of people vaninsh each year, tis a lot less likely to raise attention. But no, us oh-so-brainy aliens are going to prod your back door, cut bits off your cows (what, the butcher shop closed?) and vanish until next month, when we'll do the same thing across the county line.

It's true! RodRugss Grandmaw saw it. Ok, she didn't see it. But it personally happened to her sisters neighbors pastors heiffer and their foster child.