Mystery Pain


New Member
I figured I would give this a shot to see if anyone on here had ANY idea what could be wrong with me. About 4 years ago I had this flank pain right about where my kidneys are on both sides and the pain is about equal on both sides. In the beginning it was very bad. I had a hard time moving, bending or twisting, even a little bit was extremely painful. It's not muscular pain or neurological, it doesn't get better with massaging, heat or meds of any kind. I have been tested for all kinds of kidney related issues, urine, blood, ultrasounds and x-rays. After a few months of no results the doctors pretty much wrote me off as some sort of hypocondriac. One doctor even told me I needed a better, more supportive bra. Sooooo, I stopped going and started doing some of my own research. Eventually I discovered that I had some issues with wheat gluten and became one of those gluten free nuts. I felt better almost immediately. I have been eating gluten free for the last 2-3 years. I do have the occassional lapse either while eating out, at a friend's house or because I want to eat a piece of bread. This doesn't happen very often though. I'm usually pretty careful and my friends are very considerate. But the pain never went away completely, it was always there, real low grade like and I could usually only feel it if I did some twisting. Lately, like within the last month, it has become more painful and while it's not as bad as in the beginning, it still hurts and doesn't go away no matter what I eat, drink or do. Someone mentioned to me that I might have something else going on in the intestines and to get a colonoscopy. I have an appt set for my (new) doctor so she can examine me and decide if that's what I need. Who knows?? Does anyone have any ideas??


New Member
I know when my wife was having the same type of issue; we found out it was her gall bladder. It had to come out. When they did the surgery, it was full of stones. She still can't have certain things to eat but the pain is gone. Not sure if this is your issue, but I'm sure the doctor looked at this. Hope you get better.


New Member
I think starting with the colonoscopy is the way to go. You may have celiac disease which your change in diet may have helped, but you may also have diverticulitis too. That would be small pouches in your colon that may get infected by seeds, nuts, etc. Until you’re checked, avoid tomato, cucumber, poppy, sesame seeds, nuts, etc.

No doctor is going to care as much as you about getting the right diagnosis so don’t give up until you find out what’s wrong. What you describe is not normal, and I’m really surprised no-one suggested a colonoscopy 4 years ago. If it doesn’t show anything, keep asking and researching


I have the same pain, but it is radiating from bulging discs in my spine. You would know if it's your spine though..

I hope you find resolution. It sucks having pain and the docs can't figure out what/where it's coming from. I'm going through the same thing with my shoudler.


New Member
Thanks for the thoughts and support. I have not given up, I'm just waiting for something more solid to manifest itself so I have something to point at since the doctors somewhere along the line have written something in my file that says I'm making this up. Been to the emergency room several times and they are all a flurry of action and concern until someone calls my doctor and then they can't push me out the door fast enough. I have changed doctors several times but my medical file follows me......Anyway, No, my gall bladder was not checked. Have to mention that to them since my mother just had hers removed. Diverticulitis has crossed my mind along with polyps and cancer...ugh...but convincing my doctor to give me a colonoscopy is the problem. I just hope this new doctor has a brain of her own and doesn't take my file at face value. I just wish I could start all over with a new file.......

HouseCat, don't you give up either. And I hope it's not your rotator cuff or whatever it's called.......I hear having that replaced is a painful procedure but awesome once it's over and healed up. Good luck!