NARAL blames YOU


Methodically disorganized
So you probably know that NARAL pulled their ad against Roberts, but do you know why?
NARAL response to Sen. Specter: We also regret that many people have misconstrued our recent advertisement about Mr. Roberts’ record. (The letter.)
Blatant misrepresentation of facts, misunderstanding of law and a voracious desire to oppose the Bush administration by any means necessary seems pretty clear to me. But, even though they are backing into a corner, they insist it's the public's fault the ad came off wrong.

And now, the organization's Director of Communications, David Seldin, has resigned. It's just a coincidence, though. Yeah... :lol:

The Liberals are giving this stuff away for FREE. Maybe this is part of Dean's "message"; don't abandon the ship, even when it's already sunk.


New Member
Awful, terrible ad. But, just to tell you why Sedlin left his position...he is absolutely PISSED that NARAL pulled the ad and he is showing his disgust with that move by resigning.


This Space for Rent
rraley said:
Awful, terrible ad. But, just to tell you why Sedlin left his position...he is absolutely PISSED that NARAL pulled the ad and he is showing his disgust with that move by resigning.

That just makes it funnier. :lmao:


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
rraley said:
vrai, I'm missing where the nanny nanny boo boo statement is coming from...
Because, once again, your beloved "progressives" got caught with their pants down. I've given up on rational discussion - now I'm just going for the "gotcha". :lol:

Larry Gude

Strung Out

Blatant misrepresentation of facts, misunderstanding of law and a voracious desire to oppose the Bush administration by any means necessary seems pretty clear to me. But, even though they are backing into a corner, they insist it's the public's fault the ad came off wrong.

That's the book I just started tonight. It explores ideology and what makes people get so invested in ideas that they'll engage in contradictory reasoning rather than realize/admit that their original theory was flawed.

Practical application?


I think the one who got with their pants... er... skirt down is Hillary Clinton. She missed a golden opportunity to further her reinvention as a moderate by attacking this ad. Instead she stayed silent. Too bad.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Larry Gude said:
Practical application?
A good example was when Tim Russert (?) asked Al Gore what should happen to a pregnant death row inmate, if they should wait for her to give birth before they execute her.

Now, the obvious answer is that the kid will be 18 years old by the time her appeals run out, so it's a moot point. But he can't think fast so he stammered and uh-ed and said he'd have to think about it. He could have said, no they should wait until after she gives birth, admitting that a fetus has rights outside the mother and pleasing the public while pissing off NARAL and the feminists. Or he could have said, to hell with that blood blob, it gets zapped right along with her other organs, pissing off the public while pleasing NARAL and the feminists.

A predicament.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Bruzilla said:
I think the one who got with their pants... er... skirt down is Hillary Clinton. She missed a golden opportunity to further her reinvention as a moderate by attacking this ad. Instead she stayed silent. Too bad.
Too bad. Because she could have emerged as a leader instead of a special interest slave.


Asperger's Poster Child
Bruzilla said:
I think the one who got with their pants... er... skirt down is Hillary Clinton. She missed a golden opportunity to further her reinvention as a moderate by attacking this ad. Instead she stayed silent. Too bad.
I agree. Hillary is probably like many pro-choicers who make the mistake of seeing abortion as a reproductive freedom issue. They act as if outlawing abortion will lead to outlawing birth control. I believe there are plenty of pro-life feminists out there who aren't being heard or listened to.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Tonio said:
They act as if outlawing abortion will lead to outlawing birth control.
They also act as if outlawing the Mengele-like practice of partial-birth abortion will lead to outlawing birth control. Once an idea gets cemented in someone's head, they can literally take it to the ends of the earth to justify and protect it.


New Member
vraiblonde said:
Because, once again, your beloved "progressives" got caught with their pants down. I've given up on rational discussion - now I'm just going for the "gotcha". :lol:

Yes they did get caught with their pants down...only if the Swift Boat Vets were caught as well, then our system would be more balanced. In today's world, progressives are nasty and when they are, like here they back down, but when conservative groups are nasty, they keep on going (Swift Boat Vets) ad-wise.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
rraley said:
only if the Swift Boat Vets were caught as well

but when conservative groups are nasty, they keep on going (Swift Boat Vets) ad-wise.

I'm sorry :wipingeyes:. I was unaware that the SBVs were ever refuted by anyone except the DU and Chris Matthews. The NARALs were refuted by actual official documentation and public record. Which may have caught the SBVs as well....

...had Kerry ever consented to have his records released.



What a bunch of crybaby BS. :duh: More of the “no one loses, everything must be artificially even” brainwashing you have received. Sad you are not man enough to admit without proviso that NARAL was a bunch of liars because Swift Boat ads were not pulled. NARAL outright lied, misrepresented facts and have been debunked by many liberals. Swift Boat veterans came under the same scrutiny from the left but there was a difference, their ads were based on observations, opinions and facts that were not refuted or proved wrong.

Compounding the goober factor of your comparison the Swift Boat ads were part of a national campaign in which John Kerry marched his Lurch looking ass out like it was old home week in Siagon and personally killed 10,000 gooks and was wearing his Nam skivvies during his stump speech for old time sake. Swift Boat vets ad was also in part a reply to the lefts dirty CBS/Terry McAuliffe George Bush was a deserter crap.

This is not a campaign. Roberts is not running for anything, he was nominated and he will be confirmed by the Senate who are above some cheap ass smear job by progressive liberal whacko’s sick ass adaptation of the 7 degrees of Kevin Bacon game where they can draw a direct link between whoever/whatever the Bush administration does and Satan within 7 steps.

So the main purpose of the add is nothing more than to stir shiat because the target audience has little to do with it. I know, I know you are going to say “But the Senators are representatives of their constituents so if the constituents speak they have to listen.” To which I answer :bs: Ted Kennedy would not vote FOR Roberts if EVERY constituent in Mass sent him a pint of gin and a dirty magazine and asked him to. :rolleyes:
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Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Pete said:
This is not a campaign. Roberts is not running for anything, he was nominated and he will be confirmed by the Senate who are above some cheap ass smear job by progressive liberal whacko’s sick ass adaptation of the 7 degrees of Kevin Bacon game where they can draw a direct link between whoever/whatever the Bush administration does and Satan within 7 steps.
:lmao: Bravo! :clap:


Just a forgiven sinner
PREMO Member
Pete said:
.... Ted Kennedy would not vote FOR Roberts if EVERY constituent in Mass sent him a pint of gin and a dirty magazine and asked him to. :rolleyes:
or even an autographed picture of Mary Jo Kopechne.