National Abortion Ban


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PREMO Member
But — technically - it’s not. I just get tired of seeing it described in headlines as such.

To be frank, I think the only reason it’s being proposed is, in reaction to the repeal of Roe, lefties are proposing a national proposal to make it legal everywhere and as I’ve seen it suggested - for any reason.

The current “ban” is to end it at 15 weeks. Just short of four months. Allowable before but not after.

Did I get anything wrong?

Thing is, before PP v. Casey, the trimester framework was less generous. Allowed first trimester, restricted during second, not allowed in third - and that was largely based on the idea that the fetus was viable at that point.

This was acceptable for twenty years. Why is it so terrible now that it’s being described as though it’s an outright ban?
Why is it so terrible now that it’s being described as though it’s an outright ban?

I believe it is because the line kept getting re-drawn in the sand pushing the limit out further and are now trying to erase the line altogether... late term/partial birth abortions no different than abortion performed in 1st trimester. I actually know people who do not flinch an eye/eyebrow when discussing late term abortions as 'just termination of a fetus' as if it was not yet a human being with self-awareness, feelings and emotion.


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PREMO Member
IMO the reason is the left has no other thing left to hang their dunce caps on other than making the upcoming mid-terms a complete one issue election. Every campaign from the left is about abortion not the myriad of real problems we are facing since Joe went to sleep on watch.