Nationals have an owner...

Larry Gude

Strung Out
...if anyone still cares.

...sold to an 80 year old guy. Oh, that's seeking stability all right.

This tale is so absurd it's not even funny. Baseball takes the 'national' pastime our of DC some 30 odd years ago.

The Expos were run into the ground for years, even playing home games OUT of the country, in Puerto Rico, because no one wanted to see them in Montreal, before finally moving, kind of, to DC.

With no owner until now. And no TV deal. And a hostile owner in Baltimore.

So, it seems a stadium will be built. Hopefully, it will open before nature claims the owner.

Angelos still owns the broadcast rights to the team. Don't ask.

And here it is, the thing I find most interesting; the reporting.

Yes, a reporter went out and claimed to know, correctly, as it turns out, who the knew ownership group would be. They guy is a hero in his trade today. Now, I enjoy sports talk, sports papers, SI and ESPN.

I've just never seen anything more 'make work' than a bunch of people running around trying to dig up the name so they can announce it a few days before the interested parties announce it.

This is simply the most anticlimactic thing I've ever heard of and the guy is a hero.

Oh well.


My Sweetest Boy
Crap. I used to work with Tanenbaum's best friend and the Lerner's attorney. Maybe I should make a phone call. :biggrin:

Larry Gude

Strung Out
He's still 80...

...but it sounds wonderful.

I liked this;

He'd rather listen to a story than tell one -- by a lot.

...a lesson for success I'm still working on grasping.

Bos didn't need to add this;

In other words, everything the win-yesterday Redskins did in Snyder's early years, the Nationals will do everything to avoid.

There is no farm system to build in football. The NFL was always a 'what have you done for me lately' deal that has become a 'what have you done in the last 15 minutes for me' league because of the nature of the game; the short careers of players.

Brett Favre would be looking another 5 years or me if he was a pitcher instead of being long since done at, what, 36 after an already usuually long and productive career.

So, I like the thinking and it sounds good to me.