Nats vs. Phillies

nobody really

I need a nap
We are going to see the Nats play the Phillies 5/4. Never parked at the Naylor Road metro, usually Suitland (which wasn't bad) when we go to the stadium but its always from calvert.

whats the best metro to park at? Is Naylor road usually ok?


We always use the Branch Avenue one, and take the green line straight to the ball park, about a 20 minute ride. Never had problems there, easy and never crowded. WE live in St.Mary's and it takes about 45 minutes to get to the station. We are going to the games that week-end also. Have fun.


We normally park on the Navy Yard and walk down to avoid traffic. Friday we were on Capitol Street waiting to turn onto M and saw a side parking lot that people were starting to fill into. We took the right on M, and the first right in an alley and drove up to a guy and asked how much.

40 bucks and we were in the Lexus parking Garage with an elevator that took us almost directly to our was pretty sweet.