Navy Names First 4-Star Female Admiral


Ubi bene ibi patria
Link to original article.

"President Obama nominated Vice Admiral Michelle Howard for a fourth star Friday, becoming the first woman in Navy history to attain the rank—assuming Senate approval—of full admiral.

She currently serves as deputy chief of naval operations for operations, plans, and strategy. She has been tapped to serve as vice chief of naval operations, the Navy’s second-ranking officer, and a single step below the chief of naval operations, the service’s top officer.

“Someday, sure, there’ll be a woman CNO,” she presciently told Time nearly 14 years ago, when she was commanding the USS Rushmore, an amphibious dock landing ship, out of San Diego. “It will happen of its own accord.”

Howard steps up during a demanding time for the Navy, trying to pivot to the Pacific amid a funding crunch that has the service scrambling. “The best ambassador,” she likes to say, “is a warship.”

Her promotion comes in the wake of the Army’s decision to tap Ann Dunwoody for four stars in 2008, and the Air Force move to promote Janet Wolfenbarger to its highest rank in 2012. Time interviewed them together last year, shortly before Dunwoody retired. "


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Well-Known Member
Just as impressive (or not) as oh, dozens of males. Of any color.

Once again, a PR promotion.

if it's "just as impressive" then she deserves just as much opportunity for a promotion. JFC, someone who earned a promotion got one! does the fact that she is a woman negate the work that she did to EARN her stars?


New Member
did she ? or has this been a career of Affirmative Action Promotions :shrug:

That's a valid question and, IMO, why affirmative action hurts the very people it's intended to help - not just the white men.

Even if she has more than earned her rank, it will always be questioned and disrespected by others.


New Member
That's a valid question and, IMO, why affirmative action hurts the very people it's intended to help - not just the white men.

Even if she has more than earned her rank, it will always be questioned and disrespected by others.

Unfortunate result of affirmative action for those who have earned their positions. She seems to have the resume to be where she's at.


Just as impressive (or not) as oh, dozens of males. Of any color.

Once again, a PR promotion.

did she ?

or has this been a career of Affirmative Action Promotions :shrug:

Were you on the panel that reviewed hers and the dozens or so males in line? I wasn't so I won't speculate. That said I spend a while in the canoe club and if anything the military is pretty damn good at being color and gender blind. If they say she is the best qualified I am willing to take their word for it. Being vetted and selected to flag is a path fraught with pitfalls and scrutiny the likes of which a typical person would never endure. Anyone who makes that first star is a star. The fact she made the second and third proves to me beyond a shadow of a doubt that she is qualified for the fourth.

I think it is abhorrent anyone would question or belittle anyone selected for promotion because of race or gender, especially not having any first hand knowledge of them or their performance. The speculation itself reeks of a discriminatory attitude which is why AA was instituted*. Ironic, it is statements like this that led to the creation of a policy designed to prevent attitudes like this from impacting people. Your statement in a way proves the need of that you all claim to hate because it is not needed. Further

*Affirmative Action is a policy targeting education and employment at the federal level and has not been to my knowledge implemented in the military because Roosevelt and Truman after him ended discrimination in the armed forces.

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That's a valid question and, IMO, why affirmative action hurts the very people it's intended to help - not just the white men.

Even if she has more than earned her rank, it will always be questioned and disrespected by those who engage in wild ass unsubstantiated speculation and lack of critical thought beyond their own agenda and prejudice.



New Member
I agree, well done, Pete.

Being female, I can tell you firsthand that it really sucks to have your credentials constantly questioned.

But then again, you should already know that because it happens to you, too. It doesn't matter your race or gender. Even if you're a white male, people will question that you're where you are simply because of that.

People just love love love to put others down. (I'm shaking my head) What purpose does it serve?

And why is it so horrible to think that someone actually worked hard to get where they are? Have we become so jaded of a society that we always suspect the worst?

Are there others out there that probably also deserve the job? Sure. Is it possible that this woman is an a-hole that weaseled her way to the top? Sure. Is it also possible that she worked hard and deserves such a prestigious position? Absolutely.

Comments like the ones above are offensive because they imply that a woman (especially one of any specific color other than white) couldn't have possibly worked harder/smarter/better than the white men that normally serve in these roles. But then again, as a woman, I know I am used to it. It sucks but it's also beneficial because saves time by serving as an identifying "douchebag" stamp on other people's forehead.


NOT Politically Correct!!
Selection Boards are not done at the White House so BRAVO to her for an awesome accomplishment in life, this selection was made by her peers!!! The President than approves a selection boards recommendations. :buddies:


Well-Known Member
Were you on the panel that reviewed hers and the dozens or so males in line? I wasn't so I won't speculate. That said I spend a while in the canoe club and if anything the military is pretty damn good at being color and gender blind. If they say she is the best qualified I am willing to take their word for it. Being vetted and selected to flag is a path fraught with pitfalls and scrutiny the likes of which a typical person would never endure. Anyone who makes that first star is a star. The fact she made the second and third proves to me beyond a shadow of a doubt that she is qualified for the fourth.

I think it is abhorrent anyone would question or belittle anyone selected for promotion because of race or gender, especially not having any first hand knowledge of them or their performance. The speculation itself reeks of a discriminatory attitude which is why AA was instituted*. Ironic, it is statements like this that led to the creation of a policy designed to prevent attitudes like this from impacting people. Your statement in a way proves the need of that you all claim to hate because it is not needed. Further

*Affirmative Action is a policy targeting education and employment at the federal level and has not been to my knowledge implemented in the military because Roosevelt and Truman after him ended discrimination in the armed forces.


Bear in mind that this article sources from a paper written in 2002, so some of the data are over a decade old.

Information Dissemination: What Does a Duck Look Like? Naval Flag Officers in 2002

41 percent are naval aviators, 34 percent surface warfare officers, and 20 percent submarine officers. The remaining 5 percent are from the special warfare (4) and fleet support (6) communities. While these percentages are somewhat aligned with the Navy officer corps at large, there are some differences. Aviation officers make up 47 percent of the URL – an under representation of 6 percent. Surface warfare officers, who make up 31 percent of the URL, have slightly more than a “fair share” of flag officer billets while submarine officers, who fill 20 percent of flag officer billets, make up only 13 percent of the URL. Fleet Support and Special Warfare are comparatively more significantly under represented with only 5 percent of flag officers while making up almost 10 percent of the URL.


PREMO Member
*Affirmative Action is a policy targeting education and employment at the federal level and has not been to my knowledge implemented in the military because Roosevelt and Truman after him ended discrimination in the armed forces.


Costly Affirmative Action

Disgraced, Failed Female Navy Pilot Pursues Vendetta Against Organization that "Outed" Her

this was going on in the 1990's .
.... surely these service member's have continued rising in the ranks ...

the ones that survived and continued their careers
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