Navy says thanks as hero retires


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"Navy Corpsman Chief Holly Crabtree is saluted during her retirement ceremony at Naval Hospital Bremerton on Friday. Crabtree was shot in the head while providing medical support to SEALs in Iraq in 2010, and was finally talked into retirement after 14 years of service."

"BREMERTON — There was a lot of hero talk during Holly Crabtree's retirement ceremony.

The hospital corpsman chief, shot in the head by a sniper two years ago in Iraq, never fully recovered and left the Navy on Friday after 14 years.

The Port Angeles native was shot near Ramadi, west of Baghdad, on April 15, 2010, while providing medical support for a couple SEAL teams. The bullet pierced her helmet near her left temple, entered her skull, and came to rest behind her ear.

"Today we celebrate serving with a hero," Lt. Martie Johnson, said during the invocation.

They celebrated with another hero — Medal of Honor recipient Leroy Petry. The Army sergeant first class, stationed at Joint Base Lewis-McChord, made a surprise appearance.

"I got word of it and said it would be my honor to be there," Petry said.

While shot through both legs in Afghanistan, Petry saved fellow Rangers by picking up and throwing a live enemy grenade. It exploded as he let go, blowing off his right hand.

Also in the crowd on the Naval Hospital Bremerton quarterdeck were Crabtree's 6-year-old daughter Leah, an uncle and great aunt and uncle.

"A Medal of Honor winner came to see your mother — not an admiral or general, a Medal of Honor winner — not for him but for her," Johnson, a chaplain, told Leah."


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