You won't have to pass a rate test to be promoted.
Somehow, I don't think the powers to be thought this 1 through.
Somehow, I don't think the powers to be thought this 1 through.
This NAVADMIN changes apprentice (E-1 - E-4) advancements into a
time-in-service (TIS) based construct, effective 1 July 2024.
This change will better regulate advancement through E-4 in order to provide
a solid foundation for billet based advancements (BBA) into the journeyman
ranks (E-5 and E-6). It also provides a more predictable and transparent
advancement path to E-4 for all Sailors and ensures that every Sailor can be
in a position to make a re- enlistment decision as an E-4 prior to the end of
their initial obligated service.
2. As a modification to reference (a), all E-1 through E-4 advancements will
transition on 1 July 2024 to a TIS-based construct. TIS requirements to
advance from E-1 through E-4 will be as follows:
a. E-1 - E-2: 9 months TIS.
b. E-2 - E-3: 18 months TIS.
c. E-3 - E-4: 30 months TIS.
3. Eligibility. The only two requirements to be eligible to advance E-1
through E-4 are to maintain a commanding officer's (CO) retention and
promotion recommendation and meet the required TIS.
E-2 through E-4 advancements will be automatically effected by the Navy
Standard Integrated Personnel System (NSIPS). This NAVADMIN removes all
other associated E-4 advancement eligibility criteria listed in references
(a) through (d), to include the requirement to complete E-4 Professional
Military Knowledge Eligibility Exam (PMK-
EE) for any advancement program. E-4 time-in-rate dates for advancement
eligibility to E-5 will be established based on advancement month to E-4.
For Selected Reserve (SELRES) Sailors, the effective date for purposes of TIS
is the pay entry base date.