NBC News Lobbied Google To BAN Conservative News Outlet AND THEY DID (UPDATED)


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As is always the case with derpy, there is a lot more to the story.
Google's ban of the websites comes after the company was notified of research conducted by the Center for Countering Digital Hate, a British nonprofit that combats online hate and misinformation. They found that 10 U.S-based websites have published what they say are racist articles about the protests, and projected that the websites would make millions of dollars through Google Ads," NBC News reported.

The report continued, "Google blocked The Federalist from its advertising platform after the NBC News Verification Unit brought the project to its attention. ZeroHedge had already been demonetized prior to NBC News’ inquiry, Google said."
How Dare NBC try to verify their story by going to the source?


PREMO Member
NBC News was slammed on social media for what has been described as "activism" in addition to what appeared to have been faulty reporting.

"Working to get websites you don't like demonetized by Google isn't journalism, it's activism," CNN editor Kyle Feldscher tweeted.

"If you have a problem with ZeroHedge and/or The Federalist, write an article about what they got wrong and why that matters. That would be an act of journalism. Instead, NBC mounts a pressure campaign on Google to suffocate opinions NBC doesn’t like," Daily Caller editor Vince Coglianese reacted.

"It’s heartbreaking that journalists, of all people, would be leading the charge to deplatform outlets they don’t like. Besides undermining the basic principals of our profession, this will come back to bite us. Cancel Snitch Journalism," Bloomberg Opinion columnist Eli Lake tweeted.



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John Daniel Davidson: If You Criticize The Corrupt Corporate Media, They Will Try To Deplatform You

NBC News reported Tuesday afternoon that The Federalist along with the website ZeroHedge were each banned from profiting off Google ads after NBC’s Verification Unit compiled a report with the United Kingdom’s Center for Countering Digital Hate complaining about Federalist reporting that exposed legacy media lies about the ongoing social unrest engulfing the two nations. While NBC omitted which article it submitted to Google to claim violation of the tech giant’s rules, its description of grievances aired at The Federalist points to a piece by Davidson titled “The Media Are Lying To You About Everything, Including The Riots.

“For the most part, the mainstream media doesn’t want to be criticized and they’re not interested really in free speech or the free exchange of ideas,” Davidson said on Fox News with Laura Ingraham. “The article in question that I wrote that apparently was considered hateful by this foreign left-wing media watchdog group was an article that criticized media coverage of the protests, many of which devolved into rioting and looting as we all know, because we all saw the videos.”

“The initial coverage I was pointing out, and especially the commentary that we saw from the mainstream media outlets and pundits with big platforms on Twitter, was totally dishonest and disingenuous,” Davidson added. “That’s what I was pointing out.”


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Cruz Unloads On Google Over Debacle In Failed NBC News Hit On The Federalist, Gets AG Barr Involved

Fraser, who appeared to originally state that she “collaborated” with two far-left foreign-based activist organizations, came out and said that she did “not collaborate on the research,” even though she thanked the two organizations for their “collaboration” in her original tweet.

Furthermore, one of the groups, Stop Funding Fake News, thanked the NBC News Verification Center, tweeting, “…and thanks to our investigation with [NBC Verification Center], [Google Ads] also took action to defund [The Federalist], a racist Fake News site pushing misinformation about [Black Lives Matter].”

The entire debacle quickly spiraled out of control on social media, with NBC News and Google facing backlash for the entire incident in which far-left foreign activist groups tried to attack an American company.



Well-Known Member
And why wouldn’t you accept spun up tweets as facts when Google already explained that this was based on listing by a British anti hate group. AND that zerohedge had been demonetized prior to any contact with NBC.


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Sen. Ted Cruz Blasts Google For Censorship Of The Federalist, Demands Answers About Collusion With NBC News

In his letter, Cruz points out the hypocrisy and irony presented by Google in this matter.

“Google’s decision to target The Federalist is transparently politically motivated,” noted Sen. Cruz. “Numerous ‘progressive’ media outlets allow comments, including, Huffington Post, Mother Jones, Daily Kos, Talking Points Memo, Wonkette, Slate, Jezebel, The Root, Salon, The Intercept, The Young Turks, and many others.”

He also noted that “on any given day, there are thousands of profane, racist, and indefensible comments posted on YouTube, which is a wholly owned subsidiary of Google.”

Cruz continued his letter by reprimanding Google for “abusing its monopoly power in an effort to censor political speech with which it disagrees” and naming a list of requests for Google to fulfill and provide information about to The Constitution Subcommittee of the Senate Judiciary Committee:

1. All communications in the past year between Google and the NBC News Verification Unit concerning The Federalist.

2. All communications in the past year between Google and the Center for Countering Digital Hate concerning The Federalist.

3. All internal communications or deliberations in the past year at Google or YouTube concerning The Federalist.


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